Need help: My bread rises and falls down any time!


I really need some help!
I’m trying to make whole wheat bread. My bread rises and then falls down. sometimes as much as 4cm!
I tried a lot of changes such as cold water or decreasing the yeast or sugar. All leads to less up and then less down but the bread is always concave!
One time I turned the machine off when it was rised enough and turned it on again and started bake program, but the bread went down after about 10 minutes!

Is heat causes the dough to go down? Maybe the heat is too much!


My receipt:


300g Water (about 22 degrees) 

400g Whole wheat

2 tablespoon white sugar 

1.5 teaspoon

 1.5 teaspoon yeast

1 tablespoon oil





Hi Rostamiani,

I think it might help if you tell us your recipe (what kind of flour and how much of each ingredient) and whether you are measuring by weight or volume. I'll take a wild guess that there may be too much liquid for the amount of flour, but without knowing more it is just a guess. 

Because you're using a bread machine, a few "tricks" are needed. Mainly, you need to follow the machine's instruction book, and it might also really help to find other people who use the same machine and see what they say. (Too often, the instruction book is incomplete or sketchy or even wrong, but the internet is great for that - people discover what really works on each machine, and tell each other.)

If you use a "normal" recipe in a bread machine, you might be lucky and have it work - but often they don't. And whole-wheat flour is more tricky than white flour - it does what you showed, far more often than white flour does.

Probably overproof or not enough strength in dough. Whole wheat flour has high protein content but the coarse texture would affect the gluten fermentation. 

* using less water -- 75% hydration for bread machine can be too much. Start with 65%

* change flour type -- Start with bread flour instead of whole wheat. Then slowly replace part of bread flour with whole wheat (from 20 to 50 %) and may need to adjust the amount of water.

* using less yeast or add more salt -- here 1.5 tsp yeast (4.5g) should not be the problem. Salt ?

* do not use quick rise mode in bread machine. Use normal cycle

Thanks everyone

You're right. The problem was too much water.

My machine does not have any recipes! I found this recipe that maked things better:


320g Water (about 22 degrees) 

540g Whole wheat

1.5 tablespoon white sugar 

1.5 teaspoon salt

 1 teaspoon yeast

1.5 tablespoon oil


But the bread is flat that falls a little. How should I change it to get more puffy bread?

I will increase the yeast ti 1.5 tsp next time.


Bottleny has offered some good places to troubleshoot. Using all whole grain/wheat is tricky, especially in a bread machine where you don't have much control over the process. I really like the suggestion of replacing some of the whole wheat flour with bread flour or high protein white flour.

Note that if the issue is overproofing, adding more yeast will only make the problem worse. 

Good luck!

Find the group of people online who are enthusiastic about the exact same machine you have. Every group like that has useful advice, important tips that should have been in the manual, recipes that really work, etc.

If no group at all online is enthusiastic about your machine, ... maybe get a different machine. ?

My bread machine model is XBM1029s and sadly cannot buy another one for a while.

I couldn't not find any community about this machine. Maybe I have to find the perfect recipe myself.

Based on the model number, it looks like you have a cookworks bread maker. A copy of the manual can be found at the following link - see pages 12 and on for recipes. Page 13 has a whole wheat bread recipe. 

If you search/google for Cookworks bread maker, you'll find multiple chats on the internet about people's experiences with it.