40 Hour Retarded Sprouted Sourdough Pan Bread

Profile picture for user dabrownman

After David Snyder’s experiments with 40 hour retarded sourdough pan bread, Lucy thought she would try that out on the wife’s sandwich pan bread.  We didn’t know if the 11% sprouted flour used in the dough would somehow cause the dough to over ferment or over proof and not act like David’s with this one being 3% wetter as well.  But no worries, it turned out fine.



Lucy always gets a little antsy each year when it comes to the that we decide to do taxes, especially when it is later knowing we are going to pay a bunch.  Well, it is always better to have to pay a bunch rather than not having to pay at all – way better for sure …..and when the bread turns out nice then the world is on an even keel.


After the 40 hour retard

This one had another weird twist of process.  We wants to develop the gluten over the first hour using 3 sets of slap and folds and then extend the bulk on the counter for another 3 hours using 3 sets of stretch and folds.  But ,after mixing with the levain in the mix from the beginning and the salt sprinkled on top with 3% the water sprinkled on top of the salt, Lucy fall asleep for 3 hours which is a pretty short nap for her now a days.


Ready for the oven

So the plan had to change to 3 hours of sitting after mixing with the salt and a bit of water on top and then doing 2 sets of slap of folds of 50 and 25 slaps and 1 set of starch of folds from the compass points all on 20 minute intervals. So, then I was worries that Lucy’s nap would mess things up – but not…all ws well.  We shaped it and plopped into the bottom of Yippee’s tall Oriental Pullman pan.


We them put it onto a plastic grocery bag and into the fridge it went for exactly 4 hours and 5 minutes so Lucy could say she retarded her loaf 5 minutes longer than David did?  She is like that sometimes making it a dog eat dog world from her point of view!  At least the bran levain was pretty standard.  12 g of NMNF whole rye stiff starter Pre-fermented flour was 13% using all the bran from the whole grains at 100% hydration.  It wasn’t retarded this time


He whole grains were equal amounts of wheat, rye and oats that totaled 24%.  The sprouted grains for the dough flour were spelt and Kamut in equal amounts at 12% total.  The rest of the dough flour was equal parts of LaFama AP and Safeway store brand Signature bread flour at 32% each - overall hydration was 78%.


When it came out of the fridge after the retard, it had risen right to the top of the rim on the middle so it needed another hour on the counter before firing up the oven for another hour at 500 F.  When it went into the oven it was 1 inch over the rim in the middle.  Then we realized we did’t have any steaming method ready.  So, we spritzed the top and threw a cup of water in the bottom of the oven as we closed the door. And turned the oven down to 450 F


10 minutes later we threw another cup of water in the bottom of the oven.  At the 20 minute mark, we  opened the oven to release the steam and turned the oven down to 425 F convection and continued baking for another 16 minutes until the middle was 205 F.  It rose enough to crease the top of the loaf on the rack above the level we baked it at.


It browned up well too.  We didn’t take it out of the pan for the last 8 minutes as usual so the sides and bottom weren’t as brown as usual but the wife likes the crust soft and this is the way to get it.  We also brushed the top with water twice after it came out to soften it too!  The taste of this bread is amazing even if the crumb is tighter than we thought it would be.


Mango salsa and Chicken tacos 


And Chicken tacos


It was still nicely open for a sandwich bread.  we didn’t taste it till 18 hours after it was baked so it had some time to redistribute the moisture and get sour.  The sour was very good and the tang was nice as well.  This is a fine tasting sprouted white SD bread – even the wife said she though ti was great and that is all that counts.  It slices as thin as you want it to too.


Bake day breakfast


Salmon Dinner with salad


of dough that goes into the Pullman pan with the lid on to get it to rise 10% over the rim.  I forgot to raise the rack with the top stone up a notch so it wouldn't expand into the bottom of the rack!  We love the bread - it is delicious.  Glad you likes the architecture and happy baking DW.

Looks like a perfect sandwich bread with tons of flavor I'm sure!  Lucy has done well even if she took a long nap instead of guarding the bread :).

Nice collection of food as well.

I wish I could stop by for the festivities next month, but I will be going to Vegas for work a few days later so I 'll be pretty close.

Happy Baking!

Best Regards,

and the bread come out so nice either way.  Do nothing for 3 hours without salt - no problem.  Shaped retard for 40 hours - no problem - even with sprouted grains in the mix.  You would like the taste of this one too Ian.  With home made Dijon mustard and some brown sugar ,spiral sliced ham for Easter - I can see some sandwiches coming up for quite a while.  Too bad you can't make Cinco De Mayo on the 4th but so far no one else is coming either:-)  That will make the preparations so much easier for sure!.  Lucy sends her best to the black ones.  Glad you liked the bread Ian and

Happy Baking 

I've been trying to make a sandwich bread - so far haven't been that successful. This one looks amazing as well as all the food!

Thanks for sharing.


It has enough whole and sprouted grains to make this white bread special with the long retard!  Plus it is easy too!

Happy baking Sharon

Profile picture for user Yippee

It looks grand! Perfect estimate of dough weight! Well done, Dab! I'm sure this loaf makes Mrs. B very happy!


I have t have  little variety but she can eat them every day it seems except on the weekend when it has to be tuna salad.:-)  I just love ths pan.  It is s versatile and heavy duty too  Thanking you again Yippee and happy baking !


after a 40 hour retard, considering that it is close to 40% whole grains! That has to be a one of the tastiest and sourest sandwich loaves!

The chicken tacos look delicious. How can it not be when topped with mango salsa, guacamole, shredded cheese, sour cream and hot sauce (?) :) Do you usually use thighs or breasts for grilled chicken?  I prefer breasts but my parents are all for the thighs. I wonder if you used a dry rub or a marinade. For some reason, I tend to option for the former for breasts and the latter for thighs. Maybe I should try a marinade for breasts next time...

The bake day breakfast is nice but where are the carbs? It is not complete without some SD berries pancakes or toasted bread on the side :)

but this one was a huge breast that I sliced in half so I could get more marinade on it.  I only dry rub chicken if it is going in the smoker.  The marinade is easy as pie.  fresh cilantro, Mexican oregano, cumin and coriander with smoked paprika, chipotle powder and ancho chili powder, black pepper, a splash of tequila, oil, and a smidgen of thick dark mushroom soy sauce for the salt and a bit of cider vinegar. 4 hours does it.  We do gussie them up a bit for sure - that's half the fun plus we love salsa, guacamole, crema and hot sauce!

As a diabetic, I am limited to one SD pancake a week that I split with my wife that I make in bake day but this bake day was a day later than normal because of the 40 hour retard so I had the pancake the day before .  Here it is  - strawberry and blueberry it was with an egg on top!  Normally when I mix up the dough and after the levain is finished rising it will be 3 hours on the counter and then 12 hours for retard.

  I can take 10 g of the levain and mix it with a 1/2 cup of MFD milk re-hydrated and 1/2 cup of flour and let it sit out over night for the pancakes.  When the dough comes out of the fridge in the morning I put half and egg, a tablespoon of melted butter, a pinch of salt and 1/4 tsp of baking powder and some water if necessary to get the thickness right.  It is just too easy not to do it:-)  Glad you liked the post.  Remember that bread turning to goo in the fridge is just not possible - an urban SD myth.  It might over proof but you can just reshape it and let it proof again on the counter.  The fridge slows enzyme activity down to a crawl so no worries.  This one proofed to 90% in the fridge after 40 hours with whole grains and sprouted grains in the mix!


Happy baking Elsie

We know that LAB can remain metabolically active at a lower temperature when compared with yeast so the dough can get sourer without being over-proofed.

Is it also true that the enzymatic activities of the grains are slowed by a larger degree than those of the microbes? That's why the dough continues to ferment in the fridge yet the risk of enzymatic degradation is low.

Btw, thanks for the recipes for the marinade and the pancakes! I'm marinating some pork collar chops for tomorrow's Easter-inspired dinner :)

activity is doubled every 18 F increase in temperature. So at 36 F the activity is cut by a factor of 4 than it is at 72 F.  All microbial and enzyme activity is greatly reduced at 36 F.   LAB are reduced 20 times at those temperatures and yeast nearly 60 times so the microbes are more affected by low temps than enzymes for sure but this isn't a real comparison.  Two are alive and one is not plus enzyme activity while 4 times greater at 72 F it still is pretty low an nothing to worry about when the live microbes are really cranking away and can over ferment and proof very fast comparatively.

You are welcome for the recipes.  I am making a ham for Easter for the first time in 32 years.  Wife won't eat it though so I have to make something else for her.  I see you have another post up too!

Happy baking Elsie

well... to be honest, I think if you repeat the bake, how about leaving the loaf inside the fridge until baking time?  

Or letting it warm up under reflective foil (with a cold book on it)  maybe even upside down?  I think the reflective pan protected the cool temp of the main dough too much while the top crust and upper layer of dough warmed and expanded.  Backlit crumb slice interesting, can almost draw an inverted bell curve on the mayo drip line.  :)



the best option for sure.  I don't think I have ever done a 40 hour retard for bread before - Pizza sure or pitas.  It is delicious bread.  As cold as it was I could have docked it with a toothpick too:-) This is the SFSD white bread I could eat every day on a secluded Island with some wine cured meats and cheese of course!  Glad you like it Mini and happy baking the Mini Oven way in the summer heat that is on our way - not you but it sure is here - Mid 90's today - my my !

and altitude!  Nice to know you can eve a shaped bread in the fridge for a couple of days and it tastes better too:-)  It gives new meaning to the fridge is your friend!  It isn't as easy as keeping a NMNF rye starter in the fridge for half a year but still - this is good news!  Glad you liked it Danni and 

Happy Baking 

Maybe a bit over-proofed, but it sounds like the flavor was especially good. Nice job.


baked right out of the fridge and it likely would have sprung just as much too!We love the 40 hour retard.  Just the thought of beating Empress Ying on her 36 hour Baguette bake was worth it:-)  This method really works great for sure.  I'm going to try and extend the bulk on the counter to six - 8 hours or over night next and see how long it will last in the fridge till it over proofs.  Lucy loves these experiments just like we do!

Happy baking David!

Perfect sandwich loaf Dabs. Question for you . Near enough can gauge the amount of dough for my Pullman now. Now there's the issue of getting it in. The perfect amount is a tight squeeze so how do I go about getting the dough in without spoiling the shape? It's a tight fit and more often than not I have to make good the dough, with the scraper, after placing it in the pan.

which is really hard for humans.  She says to wet your one hand and the scraper in the other.  Get the dough tight with the scraper, mist  the sticky dough to make it slick then spray the hand and the scraper and plop it into the pan.  it should slide right in with no harm done at all.  That Lucy can be a pill for sure but she might be right about is being more stupid than shaped dough.  I didn't do that for this loaf and it didn't care even tough it stuck to the scraper and my hand a bit :-)  I figure is is still too stupid to remember it 42 hours later when it hits the heat and I kill it off for good, totally out of spite for being smarter than me in the first place:-)

Glad you like the post Abe and Happy baking

Yours looks awesome. I made one too, but I chickened out after 24 hours in the fridge, and it is a very delicious loaf I must say.  It will become a regular in my house, we like our sourdough sour.  The next time I'll plan ahead better so I'm not forced to use crackers for my morning toast while I wait 2 days for the bread!

(I don't have a competitive bone in my body,-much to the chagrin of my rowing team- so I won't do 40 hours and 10 minutes.)

It never went away for Lucy  If you say you are going to jump off a cliff, Lucy will say she will jump off a 10' step ladder perched on the edge of the cliff.  You would jump off and kill yourself and she would jump off onto the land side the step ladder was on taking a huge 10' leap of faith.  She is tricky that way and not to be trusted one little bit.  24 hours is still a nice retard and the bread has to be really tasty.

Lucy told me about her next experiment that puts this one to shame though - if it works and she isn't lying!

Glad you like the post and happy baking the slow retard way CF!