ive been asking these quite often all winter because for some reason these and sourdough pan breads and the things you can make from starter discards are all that come out for me. I’m pretty terrible at shaping loaves. Any way back to bagels. I have a couple of questions. I own a commercial landscaping business and it is going into my very busy season. I was wondering if I can freeze the bagel dough because I’ll only have time in the evenings for any baking or preparing dough. I would like to build Levain in morning and make bagels in evening.
Q #1. Should I freeze bagels after shaping or after retarding in refrigerator or will thawing in refrigerator count as the retarding process?
Q #2. Do I have to add extra Levain to account for any loss in rise?
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thank you in advance
I just wanted to compliment how good looking they are, but I cannot answer your questions.
parbaked bagels work well for me in the freezer (poached then baked until oven-sprung and light brown, frozen, then finished in the toaster oven as needed). I have not made enough sourdough-only bagels to try freezing the dough in bulk, but that would save space.
Have you tried a fridge proof and poaching/baking them in the morning?
those are lovely. care to share your recipe?
+1 on recipe request! Have a large batch of starter discard I've been saving up..
I just use Susan’s recipe on her blog. I made a couple changes. Instead of just using starter I build my Levain with the high gluten flour usually in the morning so I can make dough and shape in the afternoon so they get to the refrigerator at night for baking in the morning. I use about a tablespoon on malt syrup instead of the malt powder just because that’s what I have. I use food grade lye for boiling. I use 20g for a gallon of water and boil them for 10 to 20 sec on each side. And finally I bake at 500 for five minutes the rotate sheet and turn oven down to 450 for another 5 minutes or until they are done to your liking.
All your shaping skill is concentrated in bagels, apparently, because those are picture perfect. Please show us the crumb next time you make these!