It was Friday again and again time for my 4 loaves for friends...
I saw a Semolina Sesame loaf in Tartine 1 and another sesame seed loaf in Tartine 3.
Then I had a look in the larder and also had some Khorasan/Kamut left and had a golden vision formed in my head with all those seeds too.....
25% Caputo Semola Rimacinata
25% Doves Farm Kamut/Khorasan
50% Strong Canadian Flour
80% water, 2% salt, 15% roasted sesame seeds and more seeds for outside..
20% starter feed 1:1:1 in the morning and used after 3 hours at peak
3 hours Autolyse flour and water (50g kept behind) - aim for 28C target dough temperature
Mix in levain - Rubaud and wait 30 min
Add salt and leftover water and slap and folds (using also petrissage manuel where I layer dough and then slap and fold as I had 4.1Kg of dough), I aim to have a windowpane at the end of mixing
Coil folds after 30 min
After 30 min - mix roasted seeds and fold and squeeze in , coil folds
after 60 coil folds
after 60 min coil
Left dough alone for last 1 hour and dough doubled
Pre-shape, 30 min bench rest, and final fold via cinching and room temp proofing in bannetons for 30 min before going into 4C wine cooler for 14 hours.
Pre-shape and probably could have done with a little bit of less tension as the dough was strong anyway.. I also need a better set of scales....
lovely dough dump and degree of rise during bulk....
I held a small test loaf back.... It had a lovely sandwich crumb but the best was just the taste with all those sesame seeds!
I probably next time add a bit more water as the seeds also seemed to have absorbed a lot of the water as well as the Kamut and the Strong Canadian flour too. I also probably would squeeze the seeds a bit more to avoid potential little lumps that I spotted during bulk and kept squeezing out...
But overall very, very happy with this bake!
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This is a beautiful thing. I love the crumb. Well done! I've book marked this and will have to give it a try one day!
and it tastes just amazing with the seeds. In Tartine 3 Chad Robertson uses also uses WW and even more sesame seeds...so I really should try his formula another time...
However, I have been using the 75g roasted sesame seeds as suggested in his Tartine 1 book and playing with different flours and like the proportion of seeds a lot...
I hope you will enjoy baking it one day! Kat
Gorgeous in every way. I bet it's delicious. Delectable.
I have become a Kamut fiend and now my starter has about 10-20% kamut in it.
and how does your starter behave with the Khorasan in it? Is it a 100% starter you have?
The bread tasted amazing and happy with the balance of seeds and flavours from flours coming through... Kat
small amount of Kamut to the starter has made it go crazy............... in the good way. And right now I keep 2 starters (for this week... lol) one is 100% hydration, the other is 125% for that 5GL which is my all time favorite.
as if it is fed WW Hester? I am going the other direction and trialling a 80% starter and use it directly as levain as slower and ready in the morning and I still have time for a 1 hours AL without starter by the time it is ready...... Kat
Dont you find the Sesame seeds give it a peanut butter like taste? I love sesame seeds in bread. Your version is amazing!
and I agree the taste is amazing...hard to describe...but there is something when you bite into the bread and then you hit the taste of the crunchy crumb full of roasted seeds!!!
I will make this again for sure....I also loved the smell during the stretch and folds of the sesame...just amazing! Maybe next time I also try to stay true to the formula in Tartine and just use Semolina and no Kamut....I have to admit I like going rogue......it all depends on the flour that you use...
The more flavours in there the better! That’s what makes it so much fun; trying various combos!
agree and often stray from formulas unless it is something totally new and I know I better follow it!...However, I learnt my lesson that the most important consideration is what flour I have in my kitchen...Kat
I've always liked sweet grains like kamut and durum. It seems that you were courageous and upped the "non-white" flour in your formula :) The seeds coating is nice too: it accentuates the amazing spring and ear of your loaves. I encountered the same issue about the seeds absorbing more water than expected...Yet your crumb still looks pretty good!
and I think the hardest bit was to ensure that the sesame seeds don't lump together...I will bake again and really liked the taste! Kat
Kat, when I saw the Kamut, I couldn’t resist! I’m using white Kamut just because I like it over the whole Kamut. Will be interesting to see how it turns out. I haven’t tried making a starter with Kamut - could have used it in the levain - I do have whole kamut. Anyways, I’ll post my results. Right now I have about an hour left in the autolyse. I wasn’t going to use the sesame seeds but now I think I am!
Thanks Kat!
I can‘t wait to see it and enjoy! Kat
Hi Kat. So, I followed your instructions - but had a few mishaps along the way.... Because I decided to start this around 3 pm, I fed my starter and put it on a warming tray with a wooden board underneath. It moved the process fast, and I was worried that it had gone too far but that seemed to work - even though it was really almost like a 125% starter.
I used 100g of 100% levain, 125g white kamut, 125g raciminata, 250g AP, with 400g water, of which I held back 50g. After the 3 hour autolyse and addition of the levain, it was pretty sticky but I did a lot of Stretch and folds and it looked good. When the salt was added another 20g of water was added. I toasted the seeds - only added 45g and added another 7g water. I let it rest another hour, did another set of s & f, and left it to BF on the counter at room temp overnight. It was right at the top of the bowl. So from the time of adding the levain until 7:30 am today, it had a 12 hour BF. Because I was in a rush to go to work, I stuck it in the fridge and will shape it later this afternoon, let it rest for about an hour and bake.
Wish me luck. The smell of the roasted sesame seeds is wonderful. I’m terrified that this one I really messed up but we shall see. It was getting late and I was too tired to do any more folds, so I let it ferment at RT as I would with the kamut bread recipe.
Kat, I will post photos later and I hope that I have done your bread justice!
and the bread will be eaten!! I am intrigued by your cold bulk approach but cannot see any reason why it should not work....And the smell is just fab isn't it???
Can't wait to see the photos...Kat
After allowing it to bulk ferment at room temperature for 12 hours, because my timing was so off, I had no choice other than cold retarding it. I didn’t even have time to shape it. Just now, 9 hours later, I took it out and shaped it and put it in a banneton and letting it sit out on the counter while my oven and DO heat up. If this bread comes out, I will be indebted to you and the bread gods forever.
The seeds smell fantastic. I didn’t put them on the outside. Will send photos later!
I'm due to making a bread with more kamut. This is an inspiration.
How do you apply the sesame seeds to the crust? I've never gotten that density.
and I basically do what the guy does in this link with a tray full of seeds https://www.instagram.com/manufacturapolba/p/Bvtfp2KFsaN/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=5mx7qo8zn6vd
and as I use seeds often they go back in the jar.
Some people roll on a wet towel first but as a higher hydration dough it was wet enough and seeds were sticking.
I hope it goes well! Kat
After shaping and putting it in the banneton, I left it on the counter while my oven and DO heated up - probably 45 minutes. In retrospect, I think it should have gone back in the fridge. Oven spring was decent and it is delicious.
Sharon! I am totally amazed how you pulled this one off! It just shows how versatile the dough is! And the baker in this case !!! All looks sooo good! Kat