I loved this bread so much that I decided to follow David's version, but substituted the whole wheat with white Kamut. I let it bulk ferment for 9 hours, put it in the fridge for 15 1/2 hours. All in all it came out even better than I expected! It has a lovely golden color from the Kamut and a nice bit of tang. The crust is wonderful. I love the flavor of Kamut and this recipe. Thanks David!
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I am also a recent convert to Kamut. Adore the flavor.
I've been using freshly-milled whole grain Kamut off and on. I've never used white Kamut. How does it change the dough and baked bread (compared to red winter wheat)?
David, with my limited baking experience, I find that kamut has a more subtle flavor. I am not the biggest fan of whole wheat per se, so I often swap out white red fife or white kamut for it. I do think that with the kamut, it needs a longer bulk fermentation. This could have been pushed to ten hours actually, but it didn’t work with my schedule. When I have made the kamut bread from Breadtopia with 20% kamut and a 100% hydration, the dough is very airy and billowy. But it has a long BF - 10-12 hours.
White Kamut is not easy to find here, so when I do get my hands on it, I grabbed it and put it in my freezer. I have also used whole kamut as well. It is just a nice subtle flavor.
and would eat that with pleasure! I am also a fan of Khorasan/Kamut and just baked a 50% one this morning! Amazing how thirsty it is though....80% water and felt it could have even more! Kat
It does need a bit more water and definitely a longer BF. But I love the color and the taste.
pics of the 50% loaf. Would love to see that.
to just quickly share my post on IG with results of the 50% Kamut bake as Hester has asked..... Tried some different shaping and see where that got me!
All knowledge should be shared. Wish I could figure Instagram out! Go for it. What I love about Kamut/Khorasan is that I usually get a great open crumb.
and if I can manage IG so can you... Just start an account and post an image of one of your amazing breads and then see from there...
Nothing really can go wrong... Kat
of bread. What was the bulk fermentation time and at what temperature. I am finding that when I use Kamut, my bulk times are very very long.
I am loving kamut and have done a 20% only with Whole Grain Kamut and also one w White Kamut. Today I"m trying the 5Grain levain with Kamut instead of whole wheat.
I used 50% Khorasan and 50% Strong Canadian flour with warm 400g water. I autolyzed for 2 hours water and flour only and target dough temp was 28C.
Added 70g of 80% hydration starter (but also could have been 100g of 100% hydration starter), 9g salt and 15g warm water and then waited 30 min at 80F in proofer.
Slap and folds after 30 min until I found that the dough was fully developed. I found that after the AL I could do a windowpane and the dough did not need many slaps.
After slap and folds the dough was a bit colder and I adjust proofer that the dough does not get any colder than 75F and is above ...
The dough was quite strong already and coil folds after 30 min. And then hourly coil folds thereafter. I think 2 more and then I left the dough alone for 1 hour and 1/2 to double.
30 min bench rest (you can see that in picture on IG too), and then final shape cinching...45 min in banneton at room temp and then for 15 hours in wine cooler at 4C. You have seen the mess I made with shaping my Pain Fendu and I was surprised I had any crumb left whatsoever after degassing the dough in the middle and scoring...The height suffered a bit.....! ha, ha...
Thank you Sharon..for letting me write about this in your post! I wish I could make a beautiful boule as yours! I must try again and feel inspired but mine will turn out flat and not such a bloomer like yours!!!
Kat I am so glad you posted this here. That is what we are here for - to share. I still can’t make a Batard. I use my Staub DO and pray. I can’t get used to using steam. So one day, I will learn to shape a batard and maybe post on IG. I just dont’ feel I have enough knowledge or technique to share other than posting photos of my bakes. Maybe one day I’ll get creative and come up with a recipe on my own. In the meantime, I am very happy to try to replicate the amazing breads all of you post with maybe a tweak or two. So thank you Kat! I’m always happy to share.
Kat and Hreik - when I make my 20% kamut bread - it is a long bulk ferment- 10-12 hours. This is from Breadtopia. It uses 100% hydration starter- 75g, with 400g bread flour, 100g kamut and 360g water - so it’s 72% hydration according to my math. It was tricky to handle, but after the first 4 sets of stretch and folds, it just BF for the next 10 hours or so. At that point, after shaping, you either let it proof for another 1-1/2 hours at RT and then bake, or retard in fridge for several hours. I have never tried this at a higher % of kamut and I use white kamut when I can.
I started with the Breadtopia recipe, first with White Kamut, and last week with the Whole Grain Kamut. I got a slightly better crumb with the white version but only slightly better but I don't care so much b/c i found the whole grain to be more flavorful. Both worked out very well.... I find that Kamut needs a very long bulk fermentation. Today I am trying the 5 Grain Levain, using whole grain Kamut instead of whole wheat (so about 25%)... It's bulk fermenting as we speak in the fridge.
Sometime soon I'm going to try 40% Kamut, 1/2 white, 1/2 Whole grain and 60% Bread flour.
Hester, I thought about using kamut in the five grain bread. I anxiously await your results. It is true it requires longer proofing, which is why I don’t play arround with it with other recipes. But I’m getting a bit bolder as I bake more. It’s such a great flavor.
a cloche? I went from DO to cloche. I love it
p.s. I'll post my 5GL w Kamut later today.
and I am in the middle of making a 25% Semola Rimacinata, 25% Kamut and the rest Strong Canadian...with lots, and lots of Sesame in it too!!
I am intrigued by the long bulk...I seem to end up in the 5 hours region depending on what temp I set my proofer to....Today it will have to be that time as going out later...
Happy Baking you two! Kat
if I can post on her page, b/c I don't think it's worth a whole new post.
So..... my bulk ended up being both at RT and in fridge and it was 17 - 18 hours. I kid you not. The Final proofing may also end up in fridge for 2 hours b/c of my day. I'll post when it's out of oven and once I cut it.
Hester, pls feel free to post your results! Can’t wait to see the photos!
several errors along the way.... with levain hydration as well as timing..... (Kamut does that to me)... so It was overproofed, but I still cannot wait to taste this.
But here's a shot from the just out of the oven loaf.
loaf and the seeds peaking out! It will taste amazing! Kat
Kat I can't wait to see your bake. Sounds yummy! Can you give me your breakdown in grams? How many loaves are you baking?
and altogether was 4.1kg... I tried to write everything down and it was a mixture of Kamut and Caputo Semola Rimacinata and 50% Strong Canadian flour and lots and lots of Sesame seeds inside and outside. The dough smelt amazing from the roasted Sesame seeds. I write everything down when I baked them tomorrow morning...Scoring will be interesting...
End of bulk and dough doubled!!!
Hester, that looks amazing. I should get a cloche. I have like no more room in my kitchen!!!
Kat, can't wait to see the bake. Your dough is amazing!!!!
Yes, get a cloche. Store it in your oven and just take it out when you need to use oven for other things... ha ha ha. That's what I do.
The thing about Kamut, it gives and incredible light and crisp crust.
I am going to really work on perfecting the timing of this flour. I got all messed up by my bad math levain and then that threw off my times .... hence the over proofing. Here's the crumb of the 5GL
That looks gorgeous! doesn't look overproofed to me! Now you make me want to make that 5G bread again! Yikes! Was your levain 125%? I'll bet it's delicious!
That kamut gives a lovely crust, as I said plus a subtle nutty sweetness.... or something. It was overproofed... I got little to no oven spring b/c of it.
About the levain: well.. yes it was 125% but only after I realized I'd messed up my math (late at night and distracted).... so the next morning it was not as liquid as I'm used to seeing..... so I added some water, figuring I'd reversed the wheat / water amounts... and put it in my oven w the light on. That got it going well... but messed up my timing completely.... so that's why it was over proofed. Was delicious none the less. So I recommend..... go for it!!!
I am really sold on Kamut. My last 4 bakes were with Kamut: Ian's Durum / Kamut and the breadtopia recipe with White and the Whole Grain Kamut and now the 5GL The flavor is, imho very special.
I don't see signs of over-proofing in either the whole loaf or the crumb. It looks like you got decent bloom. No crust pallor. No proteolysis.
Looks plain delicious.
Praise from you means a lot to me.
Just no oven spring,... the final rise was rushed b/c of time...
It is frankly just wonderfully delicious. Has the tang of sourdough mixed with that nutty sweetness...... and none of the bitterness of regular whole wheat.