Hi All,
I have been assigned to use the dough sheeter to create this soon-to-be-launched new product which is the croissants. Its new for our tiny shop. When I was in school, I was taught to go down to #7 before I do my bookturn (1st), single (2nd) and a final bookturn (3rd). After the final retarding phase, I will laminate to #4 and start cutting into triangles. Then I will shape it into croissants. Proof it. And finally bake it.
However, another colleague of mine complained to the boss that I am totally wrong. Could some experts here who use the dough sheeter enlighten me please?
Hope to hear from you soon.
Thank you.
Regards :)
My first thoughts go to your colleague. Did he tell you or your boss how he would do it? Were his methods better than yours? If those answers are 'no', color him a trouble-maker.
Second thought goes to the end results. How good are your croissants? That's the real answer to your question. If they look like [url=http://www.thefreshloaf.com/node/22677/poolish-croissant-pursuit-perfection]these from txfarmer[/url] you're doing it right.
Thank you Gary for your reply. He told me off and then went to our boss. :( I have not seen him making croissants till date. This is my 2nd batch as we only bake once a week. The respond from the 2 weeks - sold out with compliments. I know that I need to improve more and I will keep trying till I get it perfect.
Your croissants look really nice. I'm impressed, but food usually impresses me anyway. ?
Sold-out product means happy customers and hopefully a happy boss.
I hope "office politics" clears up to make everyone's life easier.
Thank you David R :) So far, boss has said nothing except "good job". So, I am happy :) Its hard for me as I am the only girl in my bakery. We have 4 bakers altogether.
Many bosses don't even say "good job".
You have to get to know how each boss talks (and how much). Some of them will only open their mouth if they're going to complain, and from those ones, even a little silence becomes a nice gift. ?
I agree with you David R :) My boss doesn't talk much just a word or two. However, when he comes to the shop and starts talking, we know we are in big trouble....
His methods will have to work damned well to beat those. I'd just blow him off unless the boss tells you different.
Thank you Gary :) So far, I am given the job to do the croissants, choux buns, eclairs amongst other patisserie and viennoiserie. Only when one of the bakers is on his off day, I will be doing some of the boulangerie items.
Is there enough time to test your method, using the exact equipment that will be used on the final product? If you can find time to test, you will know.
Is this a situation where the colleague has used your shop's sheeter before, but you used the school's sheeter? Is it possible they work a bit differently?
Remember: It doesn't matter whose method gets used. It only matters that you end up with a good product, happy customers, and a shop that's hopefully more peaceful instead of less peaceful.
And remember too: You might be both right, or both wrong. It's not just "your way or his way".
Thank you David for your reply. I have made it twice. So far, customers are happy with it. I know its not perfect but its sold out each week which I am really happy with. :)
I go down to 9 on the laminations and 7 for the final roll out, but my croissants are quite large and your numbers sound more par for the course in the industry.
Just a note for those without a reversible sheeter: I do believe the thickness numbers refer to mm. I know for sure that is the case on Rondo sheeters.
Thank you for your reply MichaelLily. Yes, my sheeter is also in mm. I will try the #9 and the #7 on final roll out and see how it goes. Thank you :)