Brand New Baby Baker


Hello, I am new to baking and I have had some failure thus far in baking bread. I have made my starter but some of the recipes I have tried have not been very encouraging to me as a baker. I'd like to keep going but wondering about which recipe I should try. 

What kind of bread do you wish you could make better? If you have a favourite type of bread, maybe people can more easily turn you in the right direction. For example, if a lot of people recommend white-bread recipes but all along you've been dreaming of rye, that could be frustrating for everyone.

Even if your ideal is "too difficult for a beginner", it might help to focus the answers a bit.

Thank you for your responses. They were both helpful. I purchased bread flour and whole wheat flour. I was aiming for the "Artisan" bread with a starter but I will try the recipe that Colin is recommending. It is overwhelming and so many choices. I appreciate your suggestions. 


From your response, it sounds as if you mainly want to make good bread, and are not really aiming (today anyway ?) for some exotic or tricky style. I totally agree with the suggestion you already received.


Thank you all for your help. Yes, I was able to find it. 

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It's really useful to get a comprehensive book that teaches you the whole process.  Hamelman's Bread is the best one for doing that.  It's the rare book that works well for beginners through professionals.

Thank you for all of your help and suggestions. It is comforting to know that I have a community of helpers since not very many of my friends bake bread. 


Hi, I'm a new guy here. Maybe you can try to bake the most simplest kind of bread. You're on the right track with all the suggestion you got from all the people here.