Soft Bread - short or long gluten strands?

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If I am aiming for super soft bread, should I develop the gluten a little (short strands) or a lot (long strands - to window pane)?

I'm working on an enriched dough (brioche) and worried I may be over kneading in an attempt to get it to window pane. Now I'm wondering if i even want to get it to that stage.

I'm using bread flour (14% protein). I'm also using 50% water, and about 10% eggs (so my water content / hydration is probably around 58% to 59% in total). If I need more gluten development (assuming that's what I need for softer bread), should I be adding vital wheat gluten?

Brioche bulk fermentation is unusual in that you let it stand at room temperature for an hour, then fold once and then refrigerate. Degas by pressing back and folding 2 or 3 times over the next several hours. I believe that the dough does benefit structurally by this process.

Most bread doughs are mixed until they resist your pulling but not overmixed (excess oxygen will have a devastating effect of the dough). There is a balance to achieve the desired volume by mixing but also developed flavour by a long fermentation process.