Hello from Texas! I can't say I'm a huge bread maker yet, I've made quick breads and I've used frozen breads to flavor and bake. My mom actually had a bread maker we used quite a bit. I have a lot time on my hands so I would like to get into making homemade bread and pizza crusts. As of right now I'm actually looking for a stand mixer I got one for Christmas that had to go back so I'm not hunting for another one and kind of leaning towards an old Kitchenaid lift bowl. I love to make cookies, I love to bake cookies and cakes for my dogs and I'm always finding recipes to try.
I've made dog cookies, but never a dog cake. Sounds fun! ?
The much older KitchenAid models, from before the sale/takeover/change in management, sound like they were absolute beasts (that word said in a positive, admiring sense). The newer production (since whatever year the change was) has been quite disappointing by comparison.
I've heard the same about the old machines, I really just can't decide between a solid state or not. I love the really old k5-A models from the 40s i just love the history and the stories that come from things like that. Like buying an old house, you get all the previous lives lived and you get to add yourself to that.
No doubt that feeling of connection with others and with the past is part of the attraction for many - but there's also that little matter of machines that do their job vs machines that don't. As long as you end up with a machine that does its job, the rest is gravy. Or, on this board, maybe it's butter. ?
Butter indeed, I've done a lot of research on them and the people I've talked to seem to say they're very worth it. Now it's just finding one.
Hello- New to this place as well. Would love to hear some details about the dog treats you bake - I have 2 pups and would absolutely bake them some treats! Pretty novice bread baker myself but will happily try to help should you need some - Tom
Actually my two oldest ladies who have sadly passed, eevon in December 2017 and rein in January 2019, I made them birthday cakes and special holiday cookies a lot. I also made frozen snacks and baked sweet potato as a chewy snack. They loved pumpkin, peanut butter, yogurt, rein loved carrots and really any vegetable and eevon loved sweets and meats. They actually pushed me to bake a lot of the time because they loved to taste test. One Birthday cake recipe I've enjoyed using is this one, I've used others with different things like oats and just made the basic mix and added whatever they liked. Sometimes it worked out and other times it didn't but they always ate them.
Thanks for sharing and so very sorry to hear about the passing of your pups. They sure lived the good life being owned by you! Not many bake for their dogs! Happy baking - Tom