Resonance and good Vibrations

Profile picture for user Mini Oven

One more for the note takers!

I have been wondering what music and kitchen sounds and vibrations influence our breads while their organisms namely yeast and bacteria are multiplying and producing gas during fermentation.   What was happening while our successful loafs were in process?

Was watching this video and thought, hey, are we asking Trevor the wrong questions? What music and machines does he have running at the time he's fermenting out his crumbs?   And what about others who try to duplicate a successful loaf over and over again and remain baffled.  Could vibrations, sound frequencies be helping or hindering?  Quickly jump to 49:30 min mark to get to the heart of what I'm thinking about and. Keep watching thru the water drop tests.  :)

Just realized this video is in German, sorry, but it is about sound waves and how biology orders itself.  Still very interesting.

...sang, in their song "Good Vibrations", the words "I'm picking up good vibrations" ...


...and, in another song of theirs "I Get Around", they sang "I'm making real good bread".


So there's conclusive proof that the same phenomenon actually affects humans as well.



as in "hard cash" back then?   

Since I typed it, that song is going around and around in my head.... good, good, good,  good vibrations!

..."I'm making lots of money",




"I follow the discussions and study the recipes on TFL, and my results are excellent".


I'm not sure which. ?

This reminds me of how well my mothers plants grew. She was a harpist practiced a minimum of two hours a day.