Looking for a counter-top oven that can maintain narrow temp range




Does anyone happen to know how of a relatively small oven-type device, like the size of a large toaster-oven or even smaller, that can maintain accurate temperatures?


I’m looking to heat at a relatively stable temperature around 230-240F.


I would use my oven, but it’s too inaccurate and the temperature range is all over the place.


I actually experimented using a couple of thermometers. I set my oven to 220F and started keeping track of the temperature after about 15 minutes. The actual reading was from a low of around 225F to a high temperature of 255F. I should note that I have a super cheap oven and I kind of assume a higher-end unit would be able to maintain a temperature more accurately.


I would replace my oven, but I can’t. I’m living in a rental and the oven came with the apartment. So I’m looking for a device that is relatively small, that I can stow away easily when I don’t need it.

you may want to look at a counter top ovens.  i have a kitrchenaide one and i love it.  note, this is different then ataoster oven.  i can bake bread and cakes in mine.  it was $99.00.  


I have a Breville oven, the larger one.  Now they have come up with an even bigger one.  I find loafed breads get a little brown on top but it works.  I haven’t tried sourdough in it.  I have one of these at a vacation house also.  If either ever conks out I wouldn’t hesitate to buy another one.  I live in a hot summer climate and having these in laundry rooms has been great.  I bake pies, casseroles, roast veggies, pizza,  etc.  They run about 300. and up.  The new biggest one has three racks.  Mine has just one rack.  Mine also toasts, broils, and has convection.