Took me four years to get grigne on all 4 loaves


My biggest challenge is scoring my loaves.  I never ever get all 4 small (500gm) loaves scored properly.  I remember reading  that a guy who worked full time in a bakery said it took him a full year to get the scoring right.  Today for once (in 4 years) I got all 4 right.  Crumb shot to follow (after dinner... lol)... Apologies for this small brag... Next time I'll be back at 50 or 75%... today I"m happy


Funny how the small things can make our day! I hope that your next bake is successful too! 

Yeah it's those small things... but actually for me at least the grigne helps with the crumb...

Thanks again


I can totally relate and they all look amazing!  Happy baking! Kat

Those are beautiful, congratulations! 

I hope you enjoyed them ?

Keep on baking. 


I converted hubby to sourdough.  took a while, though not as long as those 4 ears.  lol



Nice going, Hester.  I chuckled when I read your description of a 500 g loaf as small.  My question for you is what did you do this time that was different from previously and resulted in four great grignes?  There must have been something?!  Anyway, congrats.  Looking forward to the crumb.  Happy baking.

Here's the crumb shotcrumg

What I did differently is I removed the loaves from the fridge about 1/2 - 1 hour before baking.  Before this, I'd always gone from fridge to oven.
