In From the Cold


I read somewhere that whole wheat flour can go rancid and should be stored in the freezer, so that's what I have been doing.  I use cool water (how in comes out of the tap) for mixing - 60% frozen whole wheat, 40% high gluten at room temp, and 80% cool water.

Could the cold flour contribute to the weakness of my dough and the poor oven spring? 

Do I need to store whole wheat flour in the freezer?  I buy a 5 lb bag and have been using about a pound a week.

Can I mitigate the effect of the cold flour with a longer room temp bulk fermentation, say, 3 hrs rather than 2? 



Louis,  I grind my own, and either use it right away or store it in the freezer.  I don't see any difference in the flour stored in the freezer.  I have read that it is helpful to keep store bought whole wheat in the freezer as well.

Thanks very much for pointing this out.   I guess I just have to build more/better strength in the mix and with the folds during bulk fermentation.    And get more surface tension during shaping.