I keep my house at around 62 degrees when I am not home. I would like to start a sourdough culture but need to work around this detail. I don't want to heat my house up so that the culture will be happy! My solution - I have bought an aquarium heater...I want to put the starter in a plastic box that is full of water. The heater will heat the water, which in turn will keep the little sourdough buddies happy. My question - I want to use a low plastic box with a tight lid to keep the starter in - put that in the bigger box with the warm water, to help facilitate aheat transfer. Will there be any problems with having a low but istarter container? All of the videos I have seen you rather tall jars. Also, is there a problem with using plastic instead of glass?
into a tall jar of water standing next to the jar of starter? Tip your styro box on end if you need to. I tuck starters into my vest pocket to keep warm. I just don't feed them if letting them cool down at night and count daytime as half a day. Glass or plastic as long as it is clean.
One doesn't need a large jar to make a starter, a pint sized deli container works too. A tbs each of flour and water and put a lid on it. Double that if afraid it could dry out. Most starter recipes use way too much flour.
I'm sure an aquarium heater will work, but two points:
I am concerned that warm, wet, and tightly closed might be a recipe for mold.
I use a heat mat which is used for seed germination low wattage 77f all day and safe if I go away I use it in the shed for extra peace of mind obtained at garden centres or internet hope this ight help