Hello friends!
It's been a (long) while since I posted, not for a lack of baking though. Just been dealing with all sorts of chaos.
I've been baking and re baking this seeded loaf trying new techniques and methods and it's been fun to see the different results. The formula hasn't changed much from my last post, except I've changed to a 100% hydration levain. I don't know if there's any real science behind it but I seem to get nicer results with a 100% levain as opposed to my usual 80% hydration.
I've also stopped soaking the seeds, trying to incorporate wet seeds while laminating dough is hard. Has anyone ever tried picking up a wet pumpkin seed from a marble counter??? So frustrating... LOL! So now, I just sprinkle the dry seeds onto the dough while its stretched across my counter.
The mix of seeds has changed too, I don't really measure how much of each type anymore, I just use whatever blend I have that adds up to 40g. Living on edge...
Coil folds are my new dough development technique of choice. I find them more effective and gentler than how I do stretch and folds. Plus, it's a really great way to get the dough out of container and do a preshape all in one without destroying/over handling the dough.. This is one area I tend to struggle with, but doing a coil fold and then just lifting the dough out of the container, and using that as my pre shape too, seems to work for me.
Here's the result:
Really happy with how this turned out.
This was my third attempt at a stencil and I was pleased with this result. I'm trying to figure out how to get a butterfly onto my loaf with scoring, my last attempt didn't really work. As we can see, the scores kind of exploded on me, so that was a bit of fail :(
But I'll be trying this again soon, hopefully with better results!
Happy baking all!
- Ru007's Blog
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and lovely crumb too as always...!!!!....Happy Baking... Kat
Nice to see you posting again. Funny about the seeds. I don't use a lot of seeds inside my doughs but I do know if yiu use flax you do need to soak them or they won't digest very easy.
Love your stencil! It can be difficult to score complicated designs but I have seen people do it.
Happy Baking!
Both loaves are quite beautiful.
When you mix dry seeds as large as pumpkin seeds, do they come out soft after baking?
Coil folds and lamination seem to give you that nice crumb. I might try lamination one of these days, but coil fold is hard for me to do because I mix only 300 g of flour per bake.
Beautiful seeded bread Ru! The loaf turned out very nice, tasty looking crumb and the butterfly stencil pattern is a beautiful idea...out of chaos, right?