Method 2 shaping is beautiful and more life-like, but method 1 looks a whole lot easier! I think that would have to be my choice :) Maybe method 2 could be modified for a boule ...
My goodness they look good. Very cute idea and I think you should definitely give it a go.
Another idea... If you use butternut squash can you shape it like one? Might be easier ;)
Well, I'm tasked with the turkeys and gravy this year, so I won't be baking any breads for Thanksgiving. But maybe they will inspire someone else :) Can't believe the holidays are almost here! Where did the year go?
with my clay and see what kind of coils or twists I can come up with to simplify. Tying & Removing strings seems awkward.
Came up with dividing the roll into smaller dough balls and pinching flat one side, then put the sections together and let rise.
Mini, that looks like a great idea for a pumpkin brioche loaf. Instead of combining eight dough balls in the traditional loaf pan for Brioche de Nanterre, form serving-sized balls into your pumpkin shape for a pull-apart loaf. Decorate the top with the stem of a bell pepper and sprig or two of Italian parsley -- like this cheese ball:
it might be wise to use a shallow bowl or frying pan form under it with parchment to keep it from spreading out during the final proofing. I will save, boil and dry the stems off the squash to decorate the top of the bread.
I also think the balls should not be weighed to equal size, variation in sizes may give a more natural look. A hollow center? Might just shape and bake around the bottom insert of a tube pan and stick in a few washed leaves to decorate the hollow. Now, where did I put that tube pan?
I still have my house turned upside down as we move from room to room sorting thru stuff and replacing floors. Took a break and walked around Kremsmünster Monastery Sunday waiting for the sun to break the clouds. Didn't happen but kicking up leaves under the ginkgo tree sure was lovely.
And novel use of a tube pan insert. Please post pics if you give it a go.
I thought that was your house, Mini!
it is a large tree but not large enough to store all my kitchen toys. Sorry, the house behind the tree was built in the 1700's, mine is much younger and a tad smaller. :)
using oil soaked natural "bast".... knot is made under the dough over a muffin pan, then decked with bacon and then loosely tied over dough ball letting some room for expansion. No removal of strings!
Happy St. Nicklaus!