A couple of interesting videos


from the école internationale de la boulangerie in the Provençal Alps. I'm thinking particularly of Danni, Wendy and now Kat, who mix big batches by hand.

This one could be a revelation to those of you who SLAF mega batches of dough.

And this one is fascinating because it's such a clear and simple lesson on the influence of shaping and scoring the same dough. It was a real eye-opener for me.

In both instances, you might want to skip to about the 4'30 mark or so.

The videos are in French, with appalling English subtitles. I think, for the most part, you won't have any issues with following along; but if you'd like clarification, I'll be more than happy to help translate.

The school itself is interesting, in that it's geared to adults looking to make a career/life change, so classes are not just about making bread in all its aspects, but there are also classes on constructing business plans and all that kind of thing.

Enjoy the films!


Ok, I guess there's big and there's BIGGER! Thanks for sharing.



In reply to by DesigningWoman

it is also a great illustration of why many traditional (not quite the right word...but "old" doesn't quite do it either) doughs were high hydration...that would be a much more difficult task with a stiff dough

you found them worth watching, hope they were helpful ?

Enjoy your bread.
