Fodmap flour


Hi..a newbie from downunder. 

While looking for bread flour today I discovered that a local Australian wheat milling company has brought out a low fodmap flour. While other fodmap flours contain gums and are not wheat based, this one is just wheat. Its not genetically modified wheat, it is normal high grade Australian wheat with the fodmaps removed. I have read that spelt can be used for low fodmap bread as long as the bread is genuine sourdough or long leavened.

Has anyone had a chance to try out this flour For bread making? No good looking to me to do it as i am yet to bake a loaf im happy with using normal run of the mill flour, so i wouldnt be able to distinguish between a horrible loaf of normal flour bread or a horrible loaf of fodmap  bread.

The flour was only released onto the market in August 2018, so only a few weeks ago. At $AU5 a kilo its not that expensive either and a whole lot cheaper than gluten free. It isnt gluten free but then a whole lot of people who eat gluten free do so not because they are celiacs but because wheat flour upsets them. It does upset my stomach, as does milk as ive grown older. Both are high fodmap foods and im now thinking fodmaps may be the issue.

This looks like a specialty flour that will produce bread but it will take some experimenting to yield an acceptable texture. That texture will NOT be like a wheatflour based bread but can be delicious in its own right. The company has recipes for many items but is lacking in an actual bread recipe. My recommendation is to experiment using small, measured by weight quantitites of this flour-perhaps enough for 1-2 small rolls- and when you achieve a flavor and texture you like then scale up to a larger volume. Even though it is wheat based, you may need to use gluten-free baking techniques to achieve success. Have delicious fun! Post any bakes-good-bad-ugly. This is very interesting to me.

Lo-Fo Pantry Plain Flour


Wheat Starch, Vital Wheat Gluten, Guar Gum.