Is there anywhere a description of how to use this site? How do you bookmark something? How can you save and catalog a response to your forum post that you especially like? How do you get a forum topic (post) that you start to appear on your personal home page? What is the significance of the "upload" button at the top of this page where I am entering this post? etc. etc. etc. THanks
Like using any new program,gadget,device...there is a bit of a learning curve. Using this site is similar to some programs and some just getting used to looking/seeing where things are.
Bookmark-Under the first box in a post is a little button "bookmark this".
Insert/edit image- Is this what you mean by upload?) This is for uploading pictures to include in the post. The instructions on how to do this are either in the "Handbook" or "Video" at the top of the page in the black bar. I still have to pay attention when I'm doing this. First save a pic on your computer, resize in an editor (size limitations in TFL), then upload to The Fresh Loaf (TFL), then downloa/upload to the post.
Forum-"Post new topic"
Just click around and ask questions. What are your particular interests in the bread baking arena?
Thanks much, This helps.
My particular interests are simple: making a great tasting loaf without sourdough pre-ferment, etc. Achieving thin crispy crust (makes a sound when you bite it) that does not break your teeth or shatter bone. Achieving large holes in the crumb with good aroma, not gummy chew. Have been using (improving my skill) on Jim Lahey's no knead bread. Best wishes, Jim