Your posts are minimalist and enticing. How about more information, please. Recipe? Flours used? Handling technique? Final loaf and crumb pic?
EDIT: Oh,boy. Our posts crossed. When I initially looked at your post, only the 1st picture appeared and the last sentence about posting more info was not there. Not sure where the problem is-probably on my side-laptop gets wonky sometimes.
No I was having issues posting pictures I'm not use to this forum set up. But I think I got the hang of it now
As for the recipe, I don't want to give it out just yet looking a trying to do a low carb book i can let people download for free later. Right now playing with recipes
This bread has, a starter, gluten, almond flour, salt, stevia and a pinch of sugar (to feed the yeast)
If you are not contributing any information, knowledge, assistance,etc for the betterment of the forum/members than you are marketing for your book. You should pay FloydM for the advertising and not post it in the forum.
Floyd can be reached at floydm at thefreshloaf dot com
Your pictures are lovely but please be willing to share something besides enticements for something you will be selling…..unless it's free?
EDIT: EGG on MY FACE. So sorry-you did say "for free". My apologies.
No apologies needed. I had a car wreck back a month ago and been suffering from neck pain, headaches, eye strain and so forth. Been really hard to get cooking again.
The basic recipe is 2 cups alomnd flour, 1/2 cup Vital Wheat Gluten, 1/2 cup bread starter, 1 pack of Stevia pince salt and 1 1/2 Tbs olive oil. About 1/3 cup filtered water 110 temp
Mix all dry ingredents together then add wet mix well give a few mins for the flour to absorb the moister. Almond flour and VWG take time to "Get Wet" mix into a ball let rise for an hr or so knee again spritz with oil then rise again for 1 hr bake at 375 for 25 mins or so till golden brown
Again, this is just the start of testing but would love input since I can't do to mouch right now
BY "bread starter" do you mean active sourdough starter? Is this a batter-type consistency (100-125% hydration) or a thicker hydration (like toothpaste or even drier).
Salt level: A pinch is pretty low. I would think this would be very bland tasting.
Does just the VWG provide enough structure and hold for a loaf? Usually there are eggs, gums, flax,psyllium or other structural protein.
For ease of experimenting (such as being able to scale down for a smaller, less expensive trial bake) and to promote consistency between different bakers, it would be better to weigh ingredients rather than use volume measure, if you are able. It generally works better for recipe development. I might try this but do a small loaf, as almond flour is rather costly to me. Do you have any other goals/requirements when you are developing this loaf? Dairy free? Vegan?
I just made a keto, Gluten free loaf and I am surprised by the texture. It is not the worst loaf I have ever had but still needs some tweaking. It should work for a friend needing food with these dietary requirements.
Your posts are minimalist and enticing. How about more information, please. Recipe? Flours used? Handling technique? Final loaf and crumb pic?
EDIT: Oh,boy. Our posts crossed. When I initially looked at your post, only the 1st picture appeared and the last sentence about posting more info was not there. Not sure where the problem is-probably on my side-laptop gets wonky sometimes.
Looking forward to more info!
No I was having issues posting pictures I'm not use to this forum set up. But I think I got the hang of it now
As for the recipe, I don't want to give it out just yet looking a trying to do a low carb book i can let people download for free later. Right now playing with recipes
This bread has, a starter, gluten, almond flour, salt, stevia and a pinch of sugar (to feed the yeast)
Have you posted this recipe anywhere yet ?
That bread looks incredible. Any chance you've posted the recipe anywhereanywhere yet?
If you are not contributing any information, knowledge, assistance,etc for the betterment of the forum/members than you are marketing for your book. You should pay FloydM for the advertising and not post it in the forum.
Floyd can be reached at floydm at thefreshloaf dot com
Your pictures are lovely but please be willing to share something besides enticements for something you will be selling…..unless it's free?
EDIT: EGG on MY FACE. So sorry-you did say "for free". My apologies.
No apologies needed. I had a car wreck back a month ago and been suffering from neck pain, headaches, eye strain and so forth. Been really hard to get cooking again.
The basic recipe is 2 cups alomnd flour, 1/2 cup Vital Wheat Gluten, 1/2 cup bread starter, 1 pack of Stevia pince salt and 1 1/2 Tbs olive oil. About 1/3 cup filtered water 110 temp
Mix all dry ingredents together then add wet mix well give a few mins for the flour to absorb the moister. Almond flour and VWG take time to "Get Wet" mix into a ball let rise for an hr or so knee again spritz with oil then rise again for 1 hr bake at 375 for 25 mins or so till golden brown
Again, this is just the start of testing but would love input since I can't do to mouch right now
BY "bread starter" do you mean active sourdough starter? Is this a batter-type consistency (100-125% hydration) or a thicker hydration (like toothpaste or even drier).
Salt level: A pinch is pretty low. I would think this would be very bland tasting.
Does just the VWG provide enough structure and hold for a loaf? Usually there are eggs, gums, flax,psyllium or other structural protein.
For ease of experimenting (such as being able to scale down for a smaller, less expensive trial bake) and to promote consistency between different bakers, it would be better to weigh ingredients rather than use volume measure, if you are able. It generally works better for recipe development. I might try this but do a small loaf, as almond flour is rather costly to me. Do you have any other goals/requirements when you are developing this loaf? Dairy free? Vegan?
I just made a keto, Gluten free loaf and I am surprised by the texture. It is not the worst loaf I have ever had but still needs some tweaking. It should work for a friend needing food with these dietary requirements.
Happy baking.
Please disregard.
Wow! Low-carb bread! This will definitely suit me in my weight loss, thank you very much for the recipe.