Hello from Idaho!


Hello, everyone,

I've lurked on the Fresh Loaf for years, but the need to ask about sheeter parts has made me register.

My family and I have benefitted greatly from TFL content over the years, most notably in the form of many loaves of Struan bread and Hokkaido milk bread.

I live in Idaho and have a small pastry business at the farmers' market. 

I love to see (and enjoy) others' artisan breads, but mostly bake pastries. 

Thanks for having me!


stunning....I would love to make more pastries but bread and now also baguettes are plenty of learning...(and also plenty for my waistline..ha, ha)

Welcome and those look so professional!   Looking forward to see more.....Kat

So lovely and mouth watering. I can imagine several flavors they may be. We may have to start a pastry section!

The search feature works pretty well and we have many members that are pro enough or obsessive enough to have sheeters. I have seen posts about that. So search away or ask.


You'll likely get more info about sheeters over on the BBGA forum (but there is a membership fee to join).

Where in Idaho???

Thank you for the kind remarks! 

We are in the Council area, about 2 hours north of Boise and 40 minutes from McCall, where the farmers' market is. 

I enjoy making danishes the most, but my wrists can't take all the rolling, so I bought an old Rondo sheeter on eBay and will resume danish-making soon. I'm looking forward to developing a bacon-apple bear claw. 

In the meantime, I added a maple-bacon cinnamon roll with coffee glaze to the lineup. Bacon looms large in my consciousness these days- it must be the crisp early fall weather!