I came across a reasonably priced A-200 and would like to do a full tear down and rebuilt (as I’ve done with a N50 unit) but can’t locate anywhere a repair manual similar to the ones floating around for the N-50 units. Without that l don’t think I’ll manage. Anyone out there able to help? As a trade in I could offer to fully photo document and upload the restauration.
Thanks in advance,
Hi Rube,
thanks for that, I was hoping to get something more like a step-by-step dismantling and assembly service manual (if there is?) rather than the instructions manual that has basically only the parts views. For the N-50 there is a beautiful manual around.
Thanks & cheers,
The A120/A200 service manual never leaked until now on the public web (except some dubious copies available on ebay), but for the basic maintenance you may watch this fine video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceQE8PEYPPI
If you still want the paper copy of the service manual then you should look for the Form-4604B (rev 12/1986) which will cover all early and middle models. For the late models which have the safety guard, sorry but I don't remember the suitable service manual reference, although the mechanics remains almost the same.
Hi Flormont,
thanks for the video link, sure that is a pretty good start. In particular as disassembly is different from the N50. I'd hate to ruin the machine by missing some important steps (been there - done that).