A simple formula that’s perfect for busy days.
20% Germinated Red Rice Oat Porridge Sourdough
Dough flour (all freshly milled):
150g 50% Whole spelt flour
90g 30% Whole white wheat flour
60g 20% Germinated red rice flour
For leaven:
5g 1.67% Starter
20g 6.67% Bran sifted out from dough flour
20g 6.67% Whey
For porridge:
15g 5% Extra thick rolled oat
30g 10% Hot water
For dough:
280g 93.3% Dough flour excluding bran for leaven
165g 55% Water
100g 33.3% Whey
45g 15% Leaven
9g 3% Vital wheat gluten
5g 1.67% Salt
302.5g 100% Whole grain
287.5g 95.8% Total hydration
Sift out the coarse bran from the dough flour, reserve 20g for leaven. Soak the rest (I got 19g) in equal amount of whey taken from dough ingredients.
Combine all leaven ingredients and let sit until doubled, around 3 hours.
Pour the hot water over the oats and leave it aside, covered, for at least 2 hours.
Roughly combine all dough ingredients except for the salt, leaven, and soaked bran, autolyse for 20 minutes. Knead in the reserved ingredients and oat porridge. Ferment for 3 hours longer.
Preshape the dough then let it rest for 15 minutes. Shape the dough and put in into a banneton. Retard for 10 hours.
Preheat the oven at 250°C/482°F.
Score and spritz the dough then bake directly from the fridge at 250°C/482°F with steam for 15 minutes then without steam for 25 minutes more or until the internal temperature reaches a minimum of 208°F. Let cool for at least 2 hours before slicing.
The crumb is pretty open for 100% whole grain porridge bread though the dough was probably over-proofed.
This bread has a nice balance between sweetness and sourness, with the unique aroma of red rice coming through. It is moist and soft thanks to the porridge.
Stir fried glass noodles
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- Elsie_iu's Blog
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I thought it was made with the red yeast rice used in Chinese cooking! :)
The loaf's structure and crumb looks very nice for a bread with low gluten. You're famous for incorporating various ingredients, I would like to know, what is germinated red rice? How does it taste? I'm familiar with the taste of a whole grain red rice variety.
你知道了。 别告訴别TFL人。好嗎?哈哈。
but the germination/sprouting process is stopped before the radical/root starts to elongate. Its appearance is almost identical to that of regular red rice except that the seed coat of germinated rice is broken, so a small part of the white cotyledon is exposed. Since part of the starches have been hydrolyzed to sugar, like most sprouted grains, germinated red rice is a much sweeter version of regular whole grain red rice. Do note that I didn't germinate the rice by myself but bought the germinated variety instead since I'm lazy... and I always have trouble sprouting rice.
請放心,這已是我們之間的祕密了:) Yet I don't get it. Everyone knew about this already. I mean, you wrote a post about it!
拒寫blog時係獲得教書資格, 宜家係有份工, 明白未?
There's obviously a difference, a huge one actually.
在香港不知有多少老師找不到全職工作,只好做短期的代課教師呢! 供應實在遠超需求啊!
starts to poke though the skin of the seed that is called 'chitting'. If stopped, dried and ground into flour at that time, it is called sprouted flour. In the UK I think they call it malted or granary flour. I've been looking around for red rice but so far no luck but haven't been to Whole Foods yet:-)
For a whole grain bread I think it is lovely and has to taste great with the red rice and spelt in it. Shaped proofing in the fridge leads to over proofing sometimes but it is real time saver in the morning when baking if you don't have to get the bulk dough out of the fridge and proof it for a couple of hours on the counter.
Well done and happy baking Elsie
at least flavour-wise. Brown rice doesn't contribute much when used at a small percentage with other whole grains. However, it's a totally different story for red rice (and purple rice). I could smell its comforting aroma and taste its luscious flavour in every bite I took. For a bonus, it's relatively easy to work with too. Good luck getting some red rice on hand!
I enjoy the the flavour of this bread as it's very sweet but also moderately sour at the same time, unlike some sprouted kamut and durum bread I baked before where you couldn't detect any sourness. Proofing in the fridge is indeed a time saver that I'd rather take the risk of over-proofing than waiting for hours longer the next day. Well, I'm not selling the bread so it doesn't really bothers me as long as the taste is not harmed :)
Glad you like the bread. Happy baking!