Hi from HI


Hi Everyone

from Hawaii.  Just want to say hi and thanks to the TFL community.  Over the last couple of months I've gotten to know a lot about bread baking that I didn't know before, largely because of what I've found here.  I feel like I'm on the beginning of a long journey. 

A huge big shout out to Floyd for putting this site together--this is the GREATEST place for relevant info and support--even for those of us who rarely post. The TFL community is a friendly neighborhood where bakers can sit on the front porch and talk with each other and where those, like me, who pass by on the sidewalk when the bread bug bites, can catch what they're saying and become better for it. 

Next week I'm going to be starting the first of 3 five day workshops at SFBI (Artisan I and II and Ancient Grains).  After reading Dr. Dave's amazing posts about his experiences (thank you so much for the virtual experience!), I am terrified and excited.  Am so looking forward to soaking up what I can.  

Thanks again to everyone who fills this site with bread passion, wisdom and experience!  If there's anyone out there in the Honolulu area, I'd love to meet and talk bread!


Welcome Anne. I like your profile handle, “iwonder”. What a great and hopefully descriptive name. I am eternally inquisitive, and am driven to learn new things.

Please relay what you learn at the seminars. Iwonder what you’ll learn in 15 days @ SFBI :-)


inquiring minds want to know

I think that's one of the reasons I'm attracted to TFL--there is a real thirst for and sharing of knowledge.  I started out my career in science where there is ideally a community of people dedicated to an open exchange of information for the purpose of advancing knowledge for all.

I'd be happy to share what I learn at SFBI from the perspective of a rank neophyte, since Dave has already done it from the opposite perspective ;-)
