Hello friends!!
I hope everyone had a great weekend :)
This weekend I baked another (mostly) white sourdough. The formula and method is largely unchanged from my last post except I upped the hydration to about 87%. This was not a wise choice given that I've been trying to work on my shaping and scoring ... but I think it turned out okay. The loaf doesn't look like my usual loaves... I went out on a limb here. I was inspired by a loaf I saw on instagram and decided to give it a try. Usually, I prefer the unfloured look for my loaves.. so this was me trying something different.
(here's the original post I saw on instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/Bks-ni0Bu5C/?taken-by=magdalenadobromilar)
I was trying to avoid an ear, but I think I angled the blade slightly (probably out of habit... LOL!).
I used rice flour to dust the dough before baking, it doesn't burn as quickly as wheat flour and stays white in the oven...
I'm happy with the crumb on this one and the texture is one of the best I've managed, maybe the higher hydration helps here. I had fun baking this loaf, I might try this again and see if I can get it to turn out the way I imagined it.
Happy baking and have a great week!
- Ru007's Blog
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This is unbelievably beautiful bread! Must be as yummy as that!
You surprise us with every post!
I'm really glad you liked it! It did taste great :)
Happy baking
Looks amazing. I think its an aesthetic improvement over the loaf on Instagram. Of course I prefer the more rustic look - a look you achieved very nicely here. Impressive crumb too.
That's very kind of you to say and I appreciate it :)
Ru had gotten an new lame:-) This in really puffed itself it nicely. The higher hydration helped too Nice and Time to get th dry rubbed ribs out of the fridge to worm up for the smoker. Must be Labor Day and the end if summer even though it will still be over100 F this coming week:)
Happy baking Ru
I'm still yet to get my first lame. The higher hydration did help, but i'm going to lower it a bit next time, my hands weren't ready for this dough :)
100F ??!!! Oh my, that's just too hot! We're just seeing the start of spring here, I'm so glad winter is done, no more waiting for dough to rise for the whole day!
I hope we get to see the ribs!
Happy baking
I still have my mouth open in astonishment! I also love how the loaf tells a story with the refinement on the side but the loaf's wild side could not be contained and burst out into the middle! Love this! Kat
I love your description of what you see in this loaf! I see it too!!
Happy baking
You hit this one out of the park! Awesome scoring and wonderful crumb.
If it tasted as good as it looks I would eat the whole thing in one sitting :).
I'm having fun with scoring, the great thing is the bread will always taste great.
Thanks for the complement, always appreciated.
Happy baking
I love, love the scoring in this one! Fantastic!
I'm really happy to hear that you liked this one. I went out on a limb a little :)
Happy baking
You have done it again. Speechless. Artistry must run through your veins. And as usual great photography to boot. Really shows off your baking prowess. Is there no end to your creativity? Keep posting these awesome bakes!
That is so kind of you to say. I really appreciate your encouragement. I think the more I've begun to simply enjoy the process and be less rigid and strict with myself the better my baking has become. Just having fun with it! I love sharing and I'm glad you like seeing what I'm doing!
Looking forward to your next post too!
Happy baking
Really creative and I love the way the bread " had its way" and showed you what it wanted as well as what you wanted in the design :) Beautiful juxtaposition . What do you use to make the tiny scores...since you say you haven't a lame ? Always look forward to your bakes. c
That's really nice of you to say! I agree, there was no stopping the burst on this one :)
I'Ve always just used a double edged razor to score the dough.
Thanks again and happy baking
You say you have learned to "...enjoy the process and be less rigid and strict with myself the better my baking has become". I think that's why there's this beautiful creative expression in your breads now; since your return to posting on TFL your bread just seems more uniquely representative of you, a glimpse into your creative/artistic side and the freedom to express it. It's a privilege to witness Ru, thank you for sharing!
always appreciated. I love to share, good things were made to be shared, right?
Happy baking David
How beautiful! This is it my friend, you need to teach us what you do through a video. Even without words, we will be contented to see you in action. Happy baking Ru!