100% white flour, warm, cold bulk and cold retard experiment

Profile picture for user Solano


Details are in the following thread: http://www.thefreshloaf.com/node/57222/warm-bulk-cold-bulk-and-then-cold-retarding#comment-416196

It's clearly underproofed, dense crumb, the ear broke (I think in another post someone told me that this was a classic sign of underproofed dough) and not so great oven spring. Lots to learn about temperatures yet.



to completely disagree with you! That crumb does not appear to be dense, you got great oven spring, and there is nothing wrong with that ear. Gorgeous loaf!

Thank you Danielle! I am still learning to recognize the signs in the doughs and also in the final bread, so I am surely wrong. Now I remembered the "Crumb dysmorphia" that Trevor explains in his post "The Embarrassing Problem of Tartine Envy". I need to be more careful about that. Thank you for your words!
