Hobart Question


Hi all! 

I have a Hobart N50 mixer. Love it, but some days ago it broke down. I was lucky to get a new motor assembly including gear and everything. Only part missing is the stand. Proble is that this motor has 6 wires that are supposed to go down to the stand. My other machine does not have these wires and even if it look just the same i believe the spare unit is a little newer. Does anybody know what these wires are for and if it is possible just leave them alone without connecting them? Here is a picture of the spare part unit: https://photos.app.goo.gl/JoH8JOqklOLoPOAh1


Kind regards


If you had to replace the motor assembly and the stand is missing, looks like you've described the whole mixer.  Maybe get a new one.  The KA is a good machine.

Hi! The N50G is a complete mixer but burned coils. The spare-part i got is only missing the stand and it is different regarding wiring. As i said it has 6 wires going down where the stand should be and i dont know what it is supposed to connect to. Question is if these wires are critical or if i just can leave them alone, unconnected.



Your H50G may have its stator coils rewound by a local motor repairs shop.
Are you supplied at 230V 50Hz  ? Because your replacement head looks like to the late version devoted to the european market. This version has been retrofited with a No-Volt-Release feature and a bowl upper position sensor, and the only solution consisted in locate all this news electrical wires at the rear of the motor bearing !

If I'm right then you may remove the motor cover and see 2 screws terminals with many connections. The bowl sensor is visible on your picture (this is the specific screw which fastens the head to the mixer column), but can only be triggered by the safety grid, as follows : https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1753/9017/products/Hobart_N50_Mixing_Machine_480x480.jpg?v=1516018178
And the set of 6 wires going down are the connections to the NVR relay located within the column (the only remaining free space able to fit it).

You may bypass all this new electrical system by simply connecting the 2 wires of the motor directly to the switch. But take note that the switch is a specific model with 3 positions : 1-Off / 2-On / 3-Start. Only 1st and 2nd states are permanent, the 3rd state is a toggle position according to the NVR feature. In this cas you should then find and use the terminals of the 2-On position.


Hi and thanks for your explaining answer. Yes, there are 2 screw terminals. 230V country. If i am able to move the motor assembly over to the old mixer i could retrofit a NVR(is it a overheating sensor? ) on the underside of the column to keep it as ooriginal as possible. Here are some pictures: https://photos.app.goo.gl/gH7CmQxmPuTtTUx18

The on/off switch is just as you described, i found out now. In on position it is a spring loaded feature when pushing it further and it goes back to on agin. It looks like the same assembly as the old machine so i think it will fit in the same hole as the old one? 

The next would be connecting the NVR cables together if i did not get hold of a nvr relay? Should them be paired, two and two? and what cables goes together? Dont know if you can answer my questions but thanks anyway.

Best regards


Profile picture for user albacore

As per flormont's post, NVR is "no volt release". I believe it's a kind of safety on/off applied to commercial and industrial equipment. My Kenwood Major PM900 has it.

If you switch the machine on and then the power goes off upstream for any reason like a power outtage, then the machine won't start up again on its own when power is restored.


Profile picture for user givemethedough


Have you resolved your wiring questions?


I am sorry if I post in the wrong blog. But I have  question about my Hobart mixer too. I bought my used Hobart  and it is a 20 quart mixer about one month ago . The machine is in good condition but I have a very difficult time lifting up the handle of lift up the bowl.  It is very heavy and I have to struggle to lift it up. I am not new to the machine of this size and used the 20 quart and 30 quart Hobart mixers constantly at my previous job at the bakery.  The lifting of the bowl  is never a problem at the bakery. l  My mixer is a newer Hobart with hands guard which is newer  than the old Hobart we had at the  bakery . What went wrong and what I should do to get it to work better. 

Profile picture for user givemethedough


Can you describe the problem with more detail. Is it when you rotate the lever or is it when you are locking it in the cam mechanism? May be post a video with your phone.

Profile picture for user Thaichef

In reply to by givemethedough

Hello Espen:  Thank you for trying to help me.  When I loaded  my bowl with my bread dough(about 10-11 lb. weight )and try to lift up the bowl to the higher position in order to use my dough hook or paddle to knead the dough. The lever is very heavy for me to lift it up. I have to ask my husband or really grit my teeth and lift it up with full force. Remember that I used the same kind of machine before several times at the school with no problem at all. I actually use the 30 quart bowl with no problem.  Hope to get some help. Thanks.