Hello friends!
This is a loaf I made last weekend, toasted oats sourdough is right up there on my list of favourites.
Life has been so busy for the past couple of weeks, so I haven't had time to sit done and post...
The formula for the toasted oats SD is pretty much the same as the last version I posted here.
The only change was that this time, I didn't soak the oats. I just upped the water in the main dough. I wanted to see if the oats would maintain their structure a bit more in the dough if I added them dry, and they did. But ... I found that the dough wasn't as smooth and strong as it usually is. Not sure why, my only guess is that the dry oats might have been too hard for the dough?
I really enjoyed the texture of this loaf, its really soft with a slight chewiness too.
Next, time I'm going to try just soaking the oats in a tiny amount of water, just enough to dampen and for a shorter amount of time and see what happens...
Happy baking everyone!!
- Ru007's Blog
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amazing crumb and crust. This loaf has your signature all over it! I hope that you are not too busy and still have time to bake! Kat
To be honest, baking is one of the things get me through work!!
Glad you liked the post.
Happy baking
Plenty of the 3 B's and OSM too! Well done and happy baking Ru
This one did taste good. I'm working on being able to get the 3Bs and OSM consistently with this one, I think I'm getting there.
Happy baking
Very nice. You seem adept at getting a vertical ear and an opening to one side. You are artistic with your scoring even when there are no designs!
Good to see another bread from you. Take a break from work occasionally. Good for the mind and soul.
I've been working on getting the ear consistently. Fairly tight shaping, and one clean slash at a shallow angle works for me :)
I must admit, I can be a bit of a work-a-holic...but you're right we all need a break. I just need to keep reminding myself that work will always be there :)
Thanks for the compliment and the advice.
Happy baking
Yeah, that looks fantastic. Well done.
Glad you liked it!
That ear and crumb is to die for! Super nice! I am sure it tastes fantastic!
That's so nice of you to say. Yeah, toasted oats is always a yummy one! I've been toying with the idea of adding some honey to the recipe, but I don't really like sweet bread, maybe I'll try a tiny bit and see what happens.
Happy baking
and what ears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Its good to hear from you, I hope you're well.
Glad you liked the post, thanks for the complement :)
Happy baking
Very nice crust and crumb. I have some oats so will have to give this one a try soon. c
I appreciate the complement.
Let me know how if goes if you try it, I'd love to hear what you think!
Happy baking
What a lovely loaf, Ru. And it must taste wonderful, too. Just about any bread is better with some oats included.
Oats and rye make things better. I'm such a sucker for oats, have a huge bowl of it every day for breakfast andI'll always sneak some rye into any loaf I make, I should start doing the same with oats!
Thanks for the complement Paul
Happy baking
Would love to get a taste of that one. I find oatmeal adds such a nice flavor to a loaf!
Oats adds a really nice flavour to bread, I think it also makes the crumb softer and fluffier.
Glad you liked it.
Happy baking
you can get that degree of structure and crumb openness with so many oats. Whenever I incorporate oat into a formula, the dough become pretty weak and sticky...
Nice crust, ear, crumb, and I'm sure, texture and flavour!
Glad you liked it :) I think getting an open crumb with these types of loaves depends on how and when you incorporate the oats. I'm still figuring it out, but surprisingly, i've found that adding the oats at the beginning and not laminating actually works the best. I would have thought that doing most of the gluten development before adding the oats is ideal... I'm still experimenting though. Just enjoying the process.
Happy baking
this is the kind of loaf that really inspires others - what a beauty - front pager for sure !
That's very kind of you to say. I'm really glad you liked it!
Happy baking
Great shot of your beautiful bake. I think a little hydration for the oats would only help but I bet this one tasted great anyway.
Happy Baking!
I appreciate the complement. Next week, I'm going to try this with a little bit of water added to the oats, just a little.
Happy baking to you to!
I appreciate the complement. Next week, I'm going to try this with a little bit of water added to the oats, just a little.
Happy baking to you to!
I saw this thread on IG and it triggered my memory and thought you might find it useful as you baked with oats and porridge so much...
I really must give this a try!!!!
Maybe I try this as part of the 123 community bake!...I thought of doing something with Semolina and now I probably have to try both...:D Kat
hi Ru- your breads look both delicious and so tasty! I recently went on a quest for Oat Bread and found Rose L Berenbaum's version here. It has both porridge and toasted oats in it, and the resulting bread was just yummy. I've included a photo... Obviously was more successful with the oat-rolling with one versus another! Have you tried using both a porridge and toasted oats in your bread?
I was thinking I'd like to try RLB's as a sourdough, and found your posts. I haven't really converted many recipes before from a yeasted bread to a sourdough... She uses a biga in her formula. I figured this would translate to a preferment with some of my starter then, just run with it from there? I'm not sure how the hydration would be affected (if at all?) in making it sourdough? It was quite a sticky dough to work with as she notes, but as has been mentioned, those oats seem to drink up water through the proofing and baking. I would welcome any input in how to sourdough-ify the recipe!