The Rye Baker Salty Rye Rolls

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King
Profile picture for user dabrownman

These look great.  Nicely dine and

Happy baking

Profile picture for user The Roadside Pie King

In reply to by dabrownman

Thank you. These were so quick and easy to make, and really came out good! A needed lesson for me, not everything needs to be over complicated. Smile.

I've plans for a sourdough wg/rye roll. Never ventured to rolls yet. 

I would be very interested in your results. These simple commercial yeast leavened rolls really were enticing and delicious. Thank you.

Actually, that was not my question. Bring your attention to the first photo in the blog post. It looks like the dough portion for one knot has been spread out and something spread on it. If I am correct could you tell me what the spread was? Thanks.  

Due to copyright laws, I am pretty sure all I can tell you on that front is, the recipe can be found on page 141 of Stanley Ginsberg's book, The Rye Baker. Hester, did you click on the link and have a look at this bake in my blog. Stop by have a look around. I fancy myself a legendary filmmaker! The link: