Monsanto Hit by $289 Million Verdict in Cancer Case San Francisco jury finds the company failed to warn of potential cancer risk

Profile picture for user Wild-Yeast

We're having a party tonight.

Monsanto will appeal, but the conviction by jury will most likely stand. Should be a boon to those who grow organically.

WSJ Monsanto Trial - Guilty on all counts 

-Wild Yeast

It's a bit sad, IMO, that you can win a verdict like this based on speculative pseudo-science:

"He said the interaction between glyphosate and other ingredients in Roundup cause a "synergistic effect" that makes the product more carcinogenic."

Yes, an assumed fiction is something that is inherited by all humans, even if it happens to be our own personal belief.

The hetero-associative abilities of the neocortex cognition is what makes us all part of the hominid condition over the period of the last 100 million years or so of development. I find comments like this of interest. Reminds me of experiments being carried out in Genomics on mice (black 9's I believe) using CRISPR/CAS9 experiments and the ability of "New Brain" AI to calculate mutagenic effects of experimental gene splices.

"New Brain" technology is auditable which means that decisions that have been reasoned by it are explainable. This means that they become defensible in Court and in Patents.

Things are moving ahead rapidly and companies like Monsanto have yet to catch on to these new capabilities that could have saved them from the current court findings (but they chose poorly). I think their problem is that this is a "Bay Area" technology that hasn't quite made it into the mainstream yet - in fact, it really hasn't made it out of a restricted number of labs that are working quietly together. The prosecution was a bit lead on the case having studied the technologies immediate reach within their grasp.

The legal profession is just waking up to the fact that AI can read the entire laws on record and make immediate sense of what might stand and what will not. Marvelous but somewhat scary stuff. And yes, it looks like we can actually begin replacing the lawyers - is that Shakespeare laughing in his grave?..., 

Now back to baking with organically certified wheat flour and how wonderful reversing the order of retard for a very slow ferment has on the taste of a tartine with this season's blueberry jam - also grown organically...,


will be overturned by other courts that are more sane and actually based on the law instead of emotions  The guy might get a little bit of money when it is all over but likely not much.