Lucy was back on her Meta Verse 2.0 project. Her update is that instead of 2040 as the date we will be able to migrate our brains into the cloud, so we can live forever any way we want, has been moved back to 2050. This is terrible news.
With the Social Security Trust Fund running out of IOU’s in 2037 and payments to be cut 30%, we were hoping for an earlier migration not a later one. Heck, I’m still waiting on Fusion Power, promised 60 years ago, to be available in the year 2000 that is now still 50 years away.
The scientists were not at all anywhere being correct about that for sure. I don’t know why we would believe them now about Meta Verse 2.0 come to think of it. Lucy wonders what else they are wrong about since they have been wrong about 97% of what they told us to be true and promised us over their existence throughout history?
The only good thing is that man’s mission for the habitation of Mars is also being pushed back from 2032 to 2042 and the reason is…they want use the first Beta test of humans in the cloud, linked to their robot bodies hardened against radiation, for the Mars mission instead of sending humans.
Biological humans are just too weak for any kind of living off the earth and way, way to maintenance heavy. A cheap date we are not. We are the absolute worst beings to colonize space outside of elephants and blue whales. Why would ever think we should go to Mars is beyond comprehension although I can think a a few people I would like to see leave the Earth forever too.
Talk about over proofed but it is a very wet dough that is closer to ciabatta and sprouted flour doesn't help either"-).
Not only do we have to be shielded way more than Meta Verse 2.0 robots against radiation but we need food, water, entertainment, emotional and mental health help even on earth and we create way too much waste to even be allowed to live on Earth much less Mars…… or anywhere else in the Universe according to Lucy.
The chances of a successful mission to Mars goes up by a factor of 10 by not using humans which only had a 25% chance of surviving in the first place. Lucy says she thinks they just couldn’t find enough suicidal astronauts. I think I will go to Mars as soon as I transition to the cloud because then I can do anything I want whenever I want….so I will…….when I can.
Best Shrimp, Andouille and Smoked Turkey Gumbo you can't buy anywhere and the bun for Monthly Burger Bash
This one is a bit different than Last Friday’s bake. We had to refresh our NMNF starter so we built a whole rye levain for this one with all the Whole rye in the mix – 10% pre-fermented flour – 100% hydration. The 25% sprouted grains had no rye and were equal parts of red wheat, spelt, oat and Kamut. The remaining 15% of whole grains was red wheat.
How about a big lunch of Smoked Sopressata Pasta and the crust for Sopressata Pizza Bread with Lucy's modified Bianco fresh sauce
We did get the overall hydration up to the 86% mark this time. We did an autolyse with all of the non-sprouted dough flour for 2 hours holding back 50 g of the water to get the salt and levain mixed in. We cut back the 3.5 hours of gluten development and bulk ferment to 3 hours because of the sprouted grains realizing that it would be much faster with sprouted flour.
Have a good SD pancake breakfast on bake day and grilled chicken dinner is always on the menu
We did 150 slap and folds to start and then did 50 more for the 2nd set and then did 2 sets of 10 slap and folds and 1 set of stretch and folds from the compass points. Then we got it into a ball and put it in an oiled SS bowl for a long 18 hour cold bulk retard.
When we got it out the next morning we let it sit for and hour. By then, it had more than doubled. We skipped the pre-shape since it was very puffy if cold. We shaped it into a batard and placed it into a rice floured basket for 2 hours proofing before we unmolded it and tried to score it, successfully for first 2 but unsuccessfully for the next two which really kind of mangled and deflated it. Then we spritzed it to really let it spread.
Into the oven it went with the Mega Steam Lava Rocks on the bottom of the oven for 20 minutes of steam. It did recover some and sprang a bit but it spread too. It was more like a ciabatta shape when it went in. Once the steam came out we baked it for another 15 minutes at 425 F convection. When we took it out it was 208 F and did look more like a ciabatta. Maybe it will be open like one too.
It did have a weak 3 B’s of bloom, blister and bold but we will have to wait in the OSM. The crumb is open soft and moist. I sliced it like ciabatta for a bologna sandwich for lunch. This bread is delicious! Can't wait to make a pizza sopressata panini out of it for luch tomorrow
Got to love those salads even fruit ones
- dabrownman's Blog
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I guess you could say that since that loaf really took off! I hope that you end up with a nice open crumb!
As to Lucy and her brain in the cloud/travel to Mars expectations, she needs to chill a bit as her worrying about it all will simply accelerate her aging process and she might not make it to see these come to fruition. She needs to lie back, click her nails at you and tell you to fetch her treats and drinks. ?
I'm surprised it didn't go to Mars! You are right I do fetch for her quite a bit and she does none for me at all? I would like to teach her to make margaritas but am afraid I would be missing more of that expensive blue agave nectar than usual. The greatest thing about moving to the cloud and having a robot body is that you can attend your own funeral and give your own eulogy. Then you can point out whoever you want and tell them what you really think about them. Sadly, they will have likely migrated to the cloud too and could care less why you say because they will be on Mars:-)
The crumb was nicely open and light but still soft and moist. We like it a lot.
Happy baking Danni
I was enjoying very much your "expertise" about moving to cloud which made me lough so much. I hate clouds as a pilot and also as IT guy. They are hostile environment. Thanks God I am retiring and what ever will go to the cloud will go without me. I cant't figure out what would be the cloud version of bread. Maybe just the big alveoli without any crust :-)
I am looking forward to see the crumb shot.
Happy baking Dab!
to be. One day you can be a baker n Brittany and the next a baker on Mars or maybe a brewer on Europa. Traveling costs for vacations go to ero so you can really splurge when you get to where ever you want to go in a flash:-) You won't know you are in the cloud you will just think you have superhuman attributes in everything you do. I am looking forward to being an open heart surgeon before breakfast in Tokyo and then having all you can breakfast at the Winn Resort in Las Vegas and never gain weight while hitting 14 pointers in a row on the crap table without thinking it a bit too much or even weird:-)
Next time, I'm just dumping the bulk fermented dough out on parchment and baking it:-) I was hoping the crumb would be like yours and that might be one way to get it!
Happy baking Joc
than the last after upping the hydration. Very moist looking too. I really want to bite into it now. Pizza sopressata panini sounds awesome!
The gumbo looks so scrumptious. Your version contained my favourite proteins: shrimp, sausage and smoked meat. I have yet to make gumbo and in fact have never had it. People say you have to stand in front of the stove top for prolonged time so it's kind of holding me back...
Though the fruits must taste sweet and juicy, I'd pick the salad over them anytime :)
Just get the meats browned in half butter and half oil, take them out and then put in an equal amount of flour to the fat You may need to add fat to get enough roux going and then put it on medium until it starts to brown then turn it it down a couple of notches to let finish browning till it is darker than peanut butter. Make sure the roux is not dry and you can see some fat and that it is bubbling. Let the roux sit to brown some more and then stir it until the color is just right and dark. Add the in the trinity, I use red pepper in place of green and get them soft before adding in the garlic and creole seasonings.. Make your own seasoning since the ones you can buy have way to much salt in them and lack flavor otherwise. Bloom the spices and add the shrimp stock that you made from the shrimp shells and the chicken stock half and half. Deglaze the bottom of thee cast iron enameled pot. Add back in the meats and let simmer for and hour to thicken. then add in the veggies plus the gumbo file - it is not gumbo without it.Then season with Worcheshire and Louisiana Hot Sauce. I use green beans, broccoli and italian squash, no okra since the girls say it is slimy. Simmer for 15 minutes more then add in the shrimp and cook for 2 minutes. Serve over rice - we like Black Forbidden Rice for this fine dish. it will take you back to cajun and creole New Orleans. You do not have to stand there until the roux starts to brown and then you only have to stir it every 2 minutes so it doesn't burn. Easy as pie. You will be the hit of the dinner party if you serve this. Perfect with a side of SFSD too! and you will want to make DaBrownman's.Crawdaddy Etouffee next! This is what SD was served with before the Arcadian French left New Orleans for San Francisco in the 1848-9 Gold Rush and started serving SD with Cioppino instead of Gumbo.
Glad you like the bread . i too am looking forward to the Panini and plan on making Biaco's fresh red sauce for it too. Then on to the almond crust. stone fruit and custard tart in the afternoon.
I made gumbo tonight :)
You were almost right: it's easier than pie.
Where did you find all the ingredients in Hong Kong to bring a bit io New Orleans there?
for the produce, protein and most spices/herbs. Hong Kong is a global city after all :)
Fresh whole spices are less common but can still be found in transnational specialty shops or small stores owned by Indian, Thai and other minorities who live here. I can't get gumbo file so you might not consider it true gumbo... Hopefully it was still close enough. Better to make something less authentic than not attempting it at all, right?
FYI, the gumbo was served with white basmati rice with some purple rice mixed in. We loved it so I'm glad I overcame the fear of making it. Thanks for the idea and encouragement!
It's much more difficult and not to mention costly to order dishes originated in many less popular cuisines (Indian, Mexican, African, to name but a few) from restaurants. Even good Italian food is not really affordable to most. These dishes are often served in high class restaurants in city centre and tourist sites. Japanese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, American-Italian fusion and Chinese cuisines are the main stream here.
Nice and open and soft. This one must taste fantastic. That gumbo and other goodies look amazing as always.
Not sure if you scored this one..if you did, looks like Lucy may have one too many prickly pear margaritas :).
Max and Lexi got their walk in with the 100% humidity this morning and now are conked out on the bed and couch. They wish Lucy was here so they could take a nice snooze together :).
Happy Baking!
Seriously, get ready for the cloud Ian. It is coming to get you in another 30 odd years or so. In 2013 the US government started their huge Mapping the Human Brain project, that you never heard about, that is like Putting a man in the moon the mapping the Human Genome project. The reason? Lucy says it is so they will be able to transfer our brains to the cloud where we could be more easily controlled, brainwashed and exploited when robots take all of our jobs and we start to riot for food. They are always thinking ahead to protect themselves:-) Plus the cloud will cost them much, much less in Social Security and Medicare costs so the ruling class can live even higher on the hog than they do now-) You will always remember you heard it here from Lucy first.
Glad you like the bread Ian. Tell the black ones that she is conked out 18 hours a day and all she does is wake up to stretch a bit and then mosey on over to feed and water bowls and then back to her sleeping place twice a day. She says it is all too much for her and she wants her own robot pet now just to supply here treats in between naps.,
Happy baking Ian
I see a Martian within the scoring of your bread Dabrownman. Have you ever thought about writing science fiction? Your first book should be "Lucy, the Martian and a Sourdough bread". Hang on... I have a better idea! A sourdough recipe book presented by Lucy with the recipes interwoven within a science fiction story.
Lovely loaf Dabrownman. Great crumb!
because it had hundreds of recipes and not one photo unlike the bread books of today that have hundreds of photos and hardly a recipe to be found anywhere;-)
I love science fiction and started reading it in the 'way back' machine. The first one I read was More than Human by theodore Sturgeon. It won the International Fantasy award in 1953. This was before Science Fiction was even a category As it turned out the IFA was first given in 1951 for the Earth Abides by George Stewart. So I made it a goal to read every one of the winners ever since and...so many more. Sadly the award stopped being given in 1957 when the Lord of the Rings won the last one. So 5 books read in over 50 years, a couple of yars there weren't any winners, isn't all that difficult a goal and you can get the list of all the winners here. Every one of them was about the greatest book ever written before the next one came out:-) Luckily there are so many other awards given every year there is still plenty to read and keep up with. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Fantasy_Award
Here is a better list of things to look for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_science_fiction_and_fantasy_literary_awards
My si-fi bread book would be all recipes and no story. I am starting to write a piece on the next Ice Age that is coming in 1,500 years and how New York had spent billions trying to stop the fake rising seas like the Y2K Hoax, is again buried under 5000 feet of ice for the 3000 th time but, for some reason, there was no one there to care one iota......... exactly like like all the other times it happened.
Glad you like the bread Abe and Happy Baking
Really nice OSM crumb there :)
I must say, the idea of going to space kind of freaks me out! LOL!! Yikes... But I suppose Lucy could figure out a way to make everyone relax about it, maybe some hypnosis type of thing,
Great post Dab!
Happy baking
Anxiety Relief and Chaos Rescue Dog. When people start freaking out, she will bite them hard enough, somewhere inappropriate, to snap them out of their insanity and then upschuck on their toes to keep their minds busy doing something else instead. She can come out retirement for that.
You are wise indeed! People that want to actually go into space to colonize some god forsaken, horrible place are insane and never to be trusted with anything sharper than an an ice cube. Maybe in another 1,000 years people, if there are any left, can start thinking about it but they will already be in the clouds doing whatever they want to by then anyway. Only the crazies will be left really alive by then.
Glad you like the bread Ru and happy baking