Years ago, Lucy came up with a fruit stupid that had a sweetened, enriched bread dough for a crust. This time Lucy really want all out with an almond crust, adding a cream Anglaise and cream cheese filling with the fruit on top. This one is light years ahead of her first one if you ask me.
Baked almond crust
We used 3/4 can of evaporated milk, 2 eggs and 1/4 C of sugar for the Anglaise that we thickened on the stove and cooled in an ice bath with some orange zest and nutmeg to give it some flavor. When it was nearly cooled we whisked in 1/3 C of whipped cream cheese.
Creme Anglaise filling down and the plums started
The almond crust was half ground whole almonds and half Lafama AP, 2 tablespoons of water, 2 T of melted butter, an egg, 1/2 cup of sugar and 1/8 tsp of salt. We baked it blind for 12 minutes at 350 F until it just barely started to turn golden brown at the top edge and then removed it to a cooling rack
Ready for the heat
Once the crust was barely warm we spread the cooled Anglaise on and then placed the 4 black plums, 2 nectarines and 2 peaches, all sliced, in a rose pattern with the plums in the center. Then the whole shebang was baked at 375 F convection for 36 minutes in the Mini Oven to give the fruit some color.
Glazed and waiting to cool
As soon as it came out of the oven, we glazed it with a tablespoon of apricot jam thinned with a tablespoon of orange juice. It smelled pretty good baking and it looks good enough to eat but as soon as it cools we will put it in the fridge for coo; down for tonight’s dessert for the grilled salmon dinner with forbidden black rice, salad and steamed veggies.
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of Frenchman! That is absolutely beautiful and I know it tastes amazing! It would be a centerpiece in a French bakery! Wow! Just wow!
Psst! I bookmarked it!
I slipped in 1 T of dark Rum for 1 of the 2 T of water in the crust and put in 1/8 tsp of lemon extract too. Almonds love rum as much as I do when it comes to baking:-) I like being an honorary Frenchman. I've been trying to get my wife to buy a nice little place in Brittany f or the last 6 months so we would ve a place to go for 4 weeks a year once she really retires. But so far no luck. Her hairdresser for 30 years is married to a Frenchman named Laurent who found me a place there for $140,000 that is right down the street from his summer place. I told my wife that she could still get her hair done in France with that place. It would take about 30 K to fix it up real nice but that would be a piece of cake for me and another fine project. It has enough land to put a tiny house on it too for my daughter and SIL I had it all figured out with Laurent's help now I have to get my wife to be a bit more Frenchy so I don't have to buy it without her knowing about it.
Glad you like Lucy's Almond Fruit Stupid which Google translated into French, if you have forgotten, is
Les amandes de Lucy sont stupides
It messes it up just about every time. The translation says that Lucy’s almonds are stupid which isn’t quite what your title says! ?
A better translation would be Les amandes et fruits de Lucie à la stupide! Of course anything in French takes twice as many words to say the same thing as in English.
Almonds make Lucy look more stupid than fruity! So true....She was not happy at all but that means she will try to get back at me some way when I least expect it But I'm watching her very closely for her ankle attack or toe upchuck.
You got to watch those German ankle biters. They are sneaky!
sneakers. I made guys in the warehouse wear steel toed boots at work for real safety reasons and then i would show up with sneakers on and they would try to ban me from the warehouse or write me up for it until they found out I had them fooled all along! Now I have to find them again:-)
Thats a new one to me! I had no idea they made such a thing.
The only problem is that Lucy can still chomp on your ankles. You don’t happen to have Kevlar leg wraps do you?
The cream Anglaise and cream cheese filling sounds heavenly! It looks like a cross between custard and cheesecake filling, both of which I'm so addicted to. Almond goes very well with summer stone fruits yet I prefer hazelnut or cashew. Almond is pretty mild in comparison and I like a more decadent tart :) Just imagine what potential other fruits like berries, mangoes and citrus have when stone fruits are not in season!
It's funny that you rebaked another version of fruit stupid pie at similar time I created the stuffed bagels. Your Nutella and plantain roll up bagels in the same post kind of gave me the idea of stuffed bagels.
of stuffed bagels but you are right. We took some of the last Fruit Stupid bread dough and made stuffed plantain and Nutella bagels ut of them:-) We make all kinds of galettes and there is some kind of fruit perfect all year for them. But this is our favorite time for fruits of all kinds. Even the cantaloupe is perfect and that would be perfect in a tart too!
Glad you liked this one Elsie it is better than than the last one by far! Happy baking here is a picture of the bagels. They were tasty!
Your fruit stupid seems like it would taste every bit as good as it looks, and it looks gorgeous! All your food looks beautiful, dabrownman, which is wonderful as we do eat with out eyes first (or second, if you can smell what's cooking before you see it ;-)
will have to just make one! Any fresh fruit will do. Yummy. Even the girls like it. Food that looks good does taste better. Glad you liked it and
happy baking Fran
and you know I would be even more greedy and have a big dollop of whipped cream with that....
Aber bitte mit Sahne...as some say.... :D Kat p.s. wonder what Google translate will do with that...
p.p.s It soon is damson season in Germany and I remember my Mum baking tray on tray of tarts layed with sliced damsons.....I might use your recipe and change the fruit to damsons, if I get some here in UK as Victoria plums are too juicy, I have found in the past....
work I almost scattered some strawberries and blueberries on this one! Whipped creme would be perfect and sounds completely normal to me too! Glad you like it and
Happy baking NACL
That tart looks so yummi! Well done Dab!
Happy baking!
dessert of late for sure. My daughter says she likes the short crust version better so Lucy says he isn't invited over to dinner again till she can speak French:-) And they used to be best friends too! Glad you like it Joc and happy baking.