Another Newbie

Profile picture for user Baker_Brian

Stumbled across this forum while researching some sourdough recipes.  I'm hooked on sourdough ever since I got a copy of Nancy Silveton's Bread From the LaBrea Bakery.  HAve her basic sourdough loaf and rustic bread down now, and working to expand my repertoire.


 I have a blog at: but it is very new at this time.


Looking forward to getting more information and sharing Ideas.





Profile picture for user dmsnyder

Hi, Brian. Welcome to TFL! If you are "hooked on sourdough," you will find lots of company here.

Welcome Brian,

This site has many excellent bakers who bake sourdough breads.  There are many postings re: sourdough that you can check out via the TFL "SEARCH" feature, as well as frequent postings.  Have fun and keep us posted.

Howard - St. Augustine, FL