usr-research info!! This is horrible!

Profile picture for user trailrunner

anyone else experiencing this? Everytime i try to post or read on TFL the screen comes up as a redirect . If anyone has a solution or if i am the only one having this problem let me know. Thsnks c

Try another browser. I get that kind of a problem from time to time and switching browsers have corrected that in the past for me.

Also, notify Floyd and tell him what is happening.


Caroline, it looks like it is related to Amazon. Floyd needs to be made aware.

The Amazon cloud hosts hundreds of thousands of sites, so that the IP is associated with an Amazon data centre doesn't mean it has anything to do with Amazon. I don't think it is likely it does.

Profile picture for user trailrunner

when you click on one of the links that its in Luxembourg do you want to translate. Weird. Only comes up when i am on TFL and only on my iphone