What Happened to my Dough?


Not that it really matters, but I had some dough in the fridge for probably too long.  Standard FWSY variety.  The covered bowl got pushed to the back of the shelf and today (12-14 days later) I pulled it out to see if I could do anything with it.  When I dumped it on the work surface, the top was a bit dry and water poured out from the bottom.  No big loss, so I trashed it.  So what was the process that caused this?  Over fermented would probably be an understatement.

And while I'm here, I'd like to ask why I have such difficulty logging on.  I have to select grainy images of cars, buses, or street signs in a matrix of photos to prove i'm not a robot.  The images are difficult to impossible to see.  Is the post holding the sign part of the "sign"?  I get that trying to dispel hackers is the reason for this, but this time it took me 11 tries before I was allowed to log on.  Anyone else have this issue.  It's almost enough to make me stay away from this site.  At least make the photos clear.

I'm not glad you're having problems with the log in - BUT I am glad that I'm not the only one who has to squint, scratch his balding head (I have EISS - Easily Irritated Scalp Syndrome and Medicare doesn't cover it), and wonder if the post that's holding up the sign in the picture above counts too? About your dough my best guess is that all those little yeasties ate up all the starches and sugars, pee'd out a bunch of alcohol, belched copious quantities of CO2 and then starved to death in a drunken stupor spilling all the unconsumed hooch. That's just a quick, off-the-top-of-my-easily-irritated-head guess. I'm dreading the day the Robot Test includes "Select the pictures with cats in the 33rd floor windows" and all the shots are taken from street level. And remember, you are not alone. I've forgotten things in the fridge, too. I guess we'll be okay as long as we can remember where the fridge is.

Thanks, folks.  I do remember where the fridge is, fortunately.  I suspected the yeast was depleted.  Oh well, no loss.  Wonder what would have resulted if I had baked it.

And as for the captcha game, I think it a ridiculous method and wish the admins would set it up another way.  I regularly log in to several other forums with just a user name and a password.   NONE are this difficult.  There must be a better way.  And BTW, I learned that the post is not part of the sign.  But is an SUV a car?  Glad to know I'm not alone with this issue.

We need to rise together and demand that the admins make the login more user friendly

Huh, all I have to do is check a box that says "I am not a robot". Message Floyd (floydm) and ask him if you can change this.

As for the neglected dough, I wonder if you could have used some of it as a starter, and just added a bunch more flour and some water (and a bit more salt)? I bet it would have been the best-tasting bread you every made! :D


The link to Floyd is not allowed.  I'm tired of this login mess and from now on, I'll read but not post until the login becomes simpler.  There is no reason it has to be this way when every other forum is simply name and password.  Floyd needs to examine other platforms that work.

When I log in from the home page, it requires a captcha (yeah, can be frustrating), but logging in from a post just requires name/password.


I still have to jump through the captcha hoops.  I sent Floyd a PM about this.  We'll see.

I am not experiencing the degree of difficulty that some are stating. But my turn may be around the corner.

BUT think about this. Floyd has a full time job, a family, and hopefully a great life apart from TFL. This site is something he started years back and it has grown exponentially. I’m sure he had no idea what he was getting himself into. He is having to deal with our request, update the site, ward off hackers, and handle issues of security, and more. All in his FREE time. 

Suppose Floyd decides to shut this down today. Where will we go tomorrow to find the help we’ve rec’d here? I’ve met friends the world over through this site. 

Lets do our best to be kind, courteous, and thankful when messaging him. He deserves nothing less, and definitely much more.



I agree on going easy on Floyd even though, irony of ironies, my 'eye test' required identifying street signs so I could post this. I do think torches and pitchforks are a little extreme. How about butter knives and jam jars? Maybe some lox with just a sprinkle of dill? And I will add that seeing the number of posts offering everything from pre-fab term papers to false passports I understand the need for some security. It's irritating but I'm old enough to be used to irritation. And at my age I'm almost grateful for the stimulation. I don't recall who said it but he spoke the truth when he said, "Life is short and full of blisters." So, I'll put up with the blisters, even laugh about some of 'em, just for the company, inspiration and ideas. 

I just learned that I can log in by using the login boxes to the right of the page.  It's a bit confusing to explain, but if you are in an open thread, the login boxes are at the upper right.  If you try to log in by clicking at the bottom of a comment or on the home page, you have to go through the captcha agony.