I love Trevor Wilson's video on mixing wet dough

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Dude, Trevor Wilson is my spirit baker! He makes very little mess, his process is simple, his videos show the whole bread making process from mix to end product in a succinct fashion. I love how he explains what is important and what isn't important. I like how he shows multiple ways of accomplishing the same task. And, his breads look great. And, he lives on an island.

Did I mention he lives on an island (Yes, if you are from Australia, I already like you). This reminds me of a saying my mom used to tell me, "Don't judge a person by their geologic location".

Youtube Video:


Or, check out his blog post about the same thing:


His ebook “Open Crumb Mastery” is very very good and will give you so many new ideas on how to do things.

I use a combination of methods, some of his, some from others. 


PS I live on an island (down under as we say) a lot smaller than Australia (which is more like a continent than an island, don’t you think) ?

Good point... I am no longer certain I like Australians as it appears their "island" has its own tectonic plate and apparently you can't be really big and have your own plate and be an Island.

And, if you live on Antartica, I thought I liked you too. Sorry, this not the case anymore.

and you will find that there is a  considerable number of bakers here who have learnt a lot from Trevor's book, his blog, his posts on IG and his contributions on this forum...and you always can do a jiggle with the Rubaud or chase after the children!

Mum is always right! (via Germany I now also live on an island...:D) Kat

Welcome to my island, Earth. It is an island in the corner of a vast expanse known as the multiverse.

Last night I baked another pancake that was supposed to be a high hydration open crumb boule. Afterwards, I decided I was going to make my near term goal to cook an acceptable open crumb boule. It sounds like Trevor's ebook is a great place to start. 

a wise friend told me once when I was totally and utterly deflated myself with yet again another 'flattie'....and .......well......I did not take the island comment too serious either.....ha, ha...

Trevor's book is great.....there is a big thread on TFL where we had a community bake on his Champlain loaf...we all have a different story behind the quest for 'open' crumb and there are  some lovely words and thoughts from Trevor on this...


Apart from being a great baker, I also enjoy his writing!

We all have to make our own experiences and for me in my kitchen with my flours and my skills at the time - never baked bread  in my life before - zilch - it was natural that I was led by the universe to Trevor's Champlain 65% to  get more skills  .....don't blame him though if you don't succeed immediately.....there is a thread here somewhere where a frustrated new  baker let loose...ha, ha not the right place to do this and still makes me chuckle.....we all live and learn.... Happy Baking....Kat


consciousness there...and I am totally lost! Have fun reading the book...I started reading it...absorbed as there was only so much my  poor brain could take in at once....tried it...then realized...I should have paid more attention to that too...and I am still somewhere in that infinite loop....enjoy.  Kat