Hi there - I live in the UK, and was wondering if anyone could recommend a good brand of flour to use in my (mostly sourdough, and white) bread - ideally something that can be ordered online at a reasonable price? My local shops are Lidl & Tesco which stock their own proprietary plain flour only, I'm looking to upgrade slightly! Thanks for any suggestions / help.
I order from shipton mill. I find their website is good, fair prices and quick delivery.
One of the best I've found is Waitrose Very Strong Canadian. It's consistently good. Allison's is also good
Hi Bakery Bits is a great site for all things baking The selection of flour is fantastic Lots of different flour from many small mills plus you can get the Mulino flour too They give you plenty of info about the flour too
Waitrose Organic flour is great too I have been reliably told that it comes from Marriages and it makes lovely bread Not sure if you have a Waitrose near you My nearest store is 80 miles away ! So friends getting for me if I run out I only use organic flour We also have a lovely Scottish Flour called Mungoswells which I like to use Lovely flavour
Happy Baking
You can get most of the Waitrose flours via Ocado,who may do a van delivery in your area - check on their website. I tend to buy the flours I want and some staple groceries to (soon!) get up to the £40 minimum order for free delivery.
Flours worth considering: Duchy Original Organic BF, Waitrose Canadian BF, Marriages Strong BF, Marriages Golden Wholewheat BF (basically white wholewheat, I reckon - scarce as hobby horse droppings in the UK). No doubt other good flours too, but these are the ones I have used.