French style home milled flour


Hello all,

I am hoping someone on this forum can lead me in the right direction.  I know that there are differences in milling between French and American flours.  I have my own home mill (a Nutrimill classic) and I would like to create French type flours at home.  I understand there are differences in humidity, ash content, malt and types of wheat but can't seem to find much guidance for the home mill.  Any suggestions?

Thank you!

With home mills you really can't produce true white flour or any kind of T65. Those flours are produced with cylinder mills not stone mills. What you can do is grind your flour and sift it and depends how fine mesh you have you can get something like half-white flour. For home mills the only real measure you can use is the percentage of extraction. For instance if you mill 1000g of wheat grains and you sift the flour and get 150g of bran and 850g of flour your extraction will be 85%. I usually get from 83-87% extraction from wheat while with einkorn I get only 75% extraction as the berries are much smaller and thus have smaller volume. The percentage of extraction depends on the mesh on the sift. With different sifts you can "mimick" different kind of flours.

Happy baking, Joze