Round 2 sourdough hybrid...

Profile picture for user macette

Just bought a small Dutch oven and decided to try a tangzhong version of sourdough...had refrigerated my starter so this was a learning curve for me. Fed Harp twice on Friday and again Saturday morning 5.30 am by 9.00am Harp was doubled, did a float test and yes we were ready...Had intended to do a 12 hour over nighter but I got my timings wrong so went with a same day sourdough because this was a hybrid things were happening faster. Anyway all was well this was a 70% hydration I think...400g flour 280g water,120g starter, 9g salt, 1/2 tsp yeast...dough was wet had to do extra s/f. But got there in the end scoring failed...:-(

Wow, what great progress you (and Harp) have made.  This loaf looks fine, especially the crumb.  Do not worry about scoring.  Some prefer a natural look where the crust opens up where it pleases.

and crumb is really great!  but even if the dough was wet, you managed to get it all right! well done Macette


Yes starting to feel it a bit more, the wet dough is not scaring me as much as it was, doing the folds in the bowl cut down on the mess a bit. Still a bit unsure how many s&folds are necessary or if you can overdo it and lose the final lift in the oven. But will keep working on it...

Great bread all around. I’d be pleased to bake a loaf like that one.

Did the Tangzhong make the crumb soft and the bread soft and squeezable? 


Yes Dan the bread was softer with the Tangzhong, just made up 120g water and 20g flour added before Autolyse, the starter and salt added after. There is no fat in this recipe was tempted to add butter but didn't, wasn't sure if you could....The crust was nice and crispy straight after baking but went soft later...