Proving Bowl Smell...


Hi All,

New member to the forum and baking bread, looks like I may have been lucky finding this side looks great.

My issue is that I have purchased some proving bowls from Lakeland Plastics (they are either cane or reed) and even after a few washes smell awful. I haven't used them yet for fear of tainting the bread. Is this normal for these things to smell so bad?




Steve B

You sent me into my cupboard to check out my cane proofing forms and they all smell pretty much neutral.  Even the one that was dried and stored in a sealed plastic bag.  Believe me, I took a good whiff and the only thing I can pick up on is flour, plain and boring.   

So.... how does "awful" smell like?

I did throw away some moldy ones in Laos a few months back and they smelled moldy.  High humidity and no way to dry them well, heck even my cutting boards and wooden spoons molded!   Wash yours with a mild dish washing detergent and rinse well with hot water.  Park them in bright sunshine on a rack for a few days flipping them over and see if they improve.

I have two ways of sanitizing wooden or cane and that is either soak in vinegar or diluted chlorine and let air dry.

as I did and plenty of others.

Well, I wouldn't risk using those bowls if they still smell nasty after so many washings.  I have some baskets and they have never smelled bad.

good luck


Thanks for your replies and ideas.

Cant really describe the smell, maybe something they were treated with, but when wet its 10 times worse.

These are new and as yet unused.


Steve B

Took them back today and it seems they have had an issue before and this was a rouge lot, exchanged for non smelly one and had a first attempt today baking tonight, just waiting to cool down now.....