1.5 g starter comes a long way

Profile picture for user pul

This is a small loaf built with a levain made with 1.5 g starter, 30 g water and 30 g bread flour. The levain was left to mature for about 12 hours on the counter at about 30 C room temperature. It was not used at its peak, since I could see that it receded way before I arrived home from work.

The final total dough was about 250 g flour from which 50% is bread flour and the rest is a mix of rye, spelt and red fife. The total hydration was about 75%. I used a standard procedure for mixing, applying 4 stretches and folds every 30 min or so. Bulk fermented for about 4.5 hours, shaped, and proofed in the fridge overnight (about 5 hours) to bake it in a cold pot / cold oven.

Great crumb and crust. The flavor is quite subtle, perhaps due to the levain, built using a small amount of starter.

The bread truly had some serious oven spring! Good bread like that is priceless.

Great bake!

and extremely enlightening for this newbie! Thanks for sharing.


incredible that just such a tiny bit of starter can do this! a bit of a lesson to us all I think.

well done


I was curious to see whether small amounts of starter could do something. I will reduce further the starter and pre-fermented flour amounts

Thank you ALL. I was surprised to see the result too. It has been so bloody hot here that I decided on doing this experiment; using a tiny bit of starter to build the levain. It worked quite well, but it took a bit longer for the bulk fermentation.

I forgot to take a picture of the levain, but it looked more like a poolish at end, with lots of bubbles on the top. I will repeat the method throughout summer here.


Profile picture for user Ru007

Such a great result with a tiny bit of starter :)

Well done. 


at the right time for sure.  It was still a bit more than 10% pre-fermented flour,  I bet the flavor would be better yet with 20 g of flour in the levain rather than 30 with the 10 g more flour added to the dough flour.  The retard should have made it tangy though.  You would want to cut down the stater to 1g though or the levain will be too far past peak when you get home from work.

That is a nice looking SD bread for sure.

little loaf and unbelievable with just that small amount of starter...I love the ear on it! Kat

Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

You got a wonderful crust and crumb! Well done!

Thanks, crumb is soft and crust crispy. I am baking small loaves now because I really enjoy them fresh. Two people can finish this loaf in two days, which still keeps it fresh. I am baking at least twice a week.

..the award for making the best looking loaf with the least amount of levain!

What a great experiment and result!! Wow.. Well done!


You used 1.5g starter  with 30g flour and 30g water in the levain. Can you clarify how much levain you used in the final bread recipe?