Hello to everyone


Just like to say hello to all, and thank you for the wonderful recipes and ideas.

I'm an expat kiwi, and have been living in South Korea for the past 17 years.

I'm also a total newbie to bread making, and have tossed many loaves of bread into the bin.

 However, thanks to 'The Fresh loaf,' I am starting to have some success.

Cheers everyone!

Kimchi bread around here.  Don't laugh ...it really is good. for those of us who love the fermented Napa Cabbage

I am new to the site and couldn’t insert my kimchi bread in this reply. The picture is the bread I baked recently using kimchi levain, and juice as part of hydration. I think starter and kimchi are very compatible.

White kimchi meaning you skipped the red chili pepper?

I think the taste will be very powerful.  In Korea, people use old kimchi to make stew with pork or as an ingredient for different dishes.

Like many people in Korea, I make kimchi with touch, taste and intuition.  As I can only accommodate a small jar in our refrigerator, I only use one or two small napa cabbage.  I make salty brine and  soak either halved cabbage or often time cut up cabbage.  Soak them until the leaves become salty (but not excessive as I am adding salty fish sauce with chili pepper, pureed pear, green onions, garlic and ginger) and drain water completely off the cabbage.  Sorry I couldn't provide you with a recipe.  Maybe maangchi can...  :-)

Please take a look at this lady's method:  Kimchi by Maangchi


My son reminded me it was two years old.  Very common.  Maybe you have seen it in the market being turned into red kimchi using a special chili mixture.  Much milder on the stomach lining.  Kimchi I know, thanks, I was wondering about the bread, how you used the kimchi to make the dough.  Just straight in or did you make a starter and feed it flour for a while?   

I was born and raised in Seoul, Korea but have not tasted 2 yr old kimchi. It must be very pungent...

I made the last loaf with kimchi levain - using kimchi juice with water - and added more juice in the dough as part of hydration.  Kimchi’s own fermentation aids during bulk and creates wonderful texture...

really discovered two and three year old kimchi yet.   Na ya, when I left Korea, I gave up some very nice aged kimchi to my neighbors that couldn't travel with me.    

White kimchi may not give the same crumb color as the red.  Will have to try both.  Did you add any yeast to the dough?

i don’t think it makes any difference. I didn’t use yeast but did make 2 refreshments of kimchi levain. The first time I used chopped kimchi and Parmesan cheese and the second time I only used kimchi juice in the dough. Give it a try... your aged kimchi might be more potent than mine.