
I am so glad to have found this website. It is awesome. I have been baking for awhile. And I am lucky enough to bake for my job. At my job however I bake almost exclusively sweets of sorts (cookies, scones, cakes etc.). Baking bread is what I really want to do. This site is very inspirational and I am glad to become apart of this baking community.

It sounds like you have some expertise you can share with us.  I'd particularly like to hear about your scones.


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Hi, BakerWendy. Welcome to TFL! What kinds of breads do you "really want to do?"

Rosalie: I will post some scones soon. 

David: I really like artisan breads a lot. i was in San Francisco in May and had some really amazing breads. Especially at Arizmendi Bakery. 

Hi, bakerwendi. San Francisco does have a wealth of wonderful bakeries, but "Arizmendi Bakery" is not one I know. Do you recall where it is? Another bakery that is not well known among the Bay Area bread geeks but is among foodies is Tartine, out toward the Mission. On 18th, or thereabouts. They have incredible French pastries (viennoisserie) as well as cakes and tartes and cookies. On weekend mornings, the line to get in goes around the block.

Here is the address:

1331 9th Avenue

Between Irving and Judah

San Francisco, CA 94122

They have wonderful pizza and whole wheat sourdough. They have a website that has there daily specials too.