Hello, I'm new here but I love the fact that we could share our passion around baking!
I've baked this loaf with the formula from the book called Sourdough. I followed all the instructions and I think it's very good (as this is one of my first experiments).
The flavors are amazing due to the toasted oats that bring sweetness and complexity, the crumb is airy but at the same time very moist, and I think this bread is perfect both for lunch and breakfast!
I have one question: I let this loaf ferment for 3 and an half hours at room temperature and then I transferred it into the fridge; but it was fermenting at an high pace so at one point I decided to bake it even if it has only 5 hours of colf proofing. Do you think it is wrong to do so? The speed of the fermentation could have been modified by the presence of the oats?
- Beatrice's Blog
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Very nice loaf. Looks delicious.
Welcome. And looking for to seeing many more loaves like this one.
How could it be wrong if it produced a perfect loaf?
Thanks a lot Lechem! I'm a real beginner but I really love doing it! I'll keep trying! What are you baking?
I would think you've been baking sourdough for a long time. My first loaves certainly never looked anything like that.
There's been talk of ciabatta recently and I think I might just try my hand at one sourdough style.
Now I've never tried ciabatta yet but many of my loaves have ended up like one. I wonder how well I'd do if I actually tried to make one? I'd probably fail and end up with a loaf.
If not then a contender for my next bake would be a broa di milho which is a Portugese sourdough cornbread. Very nice indeed and one of my favourites. However things could always take a different turn on the day.
Sounds good!
Here in Italy ciabatta bread is a typical one and every family has one on the table during lunch and dinner!
I never heard about sourdough ciabatta but it seems a fantastic thing, make sure to let me know how it turns out!
of my favs! Yours looks great. Don't worry about only having a 5 hour cold proof. The number of hours isn't as important as responding to what your dough is doing!
Well done and happy baking!
Thanks a lot!
I agree with you, every loaf has its story and there isn't a perfect formula or timing schedule! I'm learning a lot so I try to fix in my mind all the things that i can understand better through my experience.
Hope to keep in touch and happy baking to you too!
Beatrice, that is a beautiful loaf of sourdough bread...oven spring, colour, nicely scored, delicious looking crust! Very nice bake for a first time experiment - you've got a baker's intuition and touch - looking forward to seeing your next bake.
Thanks a lot, it means the world to me to find someone that values my passion and shares it! Tomorrow you will see big things (I'm keeping it secret :) )
That's a lovely loaf! Well done! Do you have a crumb shot?
Hi, thanks for your answer! here is the crumb shot
and proof majestically! It is wise to watch the dough and not the clock. Doing so will keep things from getting put of hand before you can check the time:-) Very nice indeed
Welcome and happy baking
thanks thanks thanks!
hope to see more of your posts going forward. Well done!
You will see something cool very soon (at least I hope so :) )
The crumb's quite open for a porridge loaf! It just look amazing inside out!
Looks like the bar is getting higher and higher!
So kind of you! I'm proud of this loaf and I'm very happy to see that you all liked it too!