It's Lucy's 14th birthday today.

Profile picture for user dabrownman

She's got a gray face now but she is still pretty spry for her age!

Hope you had a great day. 

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To be specific, I'm referring to Lucy and not you!

My gal is 15 and she is also still puppy-cute, but her hind legs are betraying her now.

eat her breakfast and then upchucked after eating it later.  She did eat a small dinner but woke up this morning back to normal and begging for breakfast at 6:30 AM on Mother's Day!  Then we all went for a half mile walk, after bagels and lox for breakfast, to celebrate Lucy's birthday a day late and Mom's Day.  Then my daughter gave her treats and we sang her Happy birthday - so all is well - yea!

Lucy thanks you all for your birthday wishes and wishes everyone a great Mother's Day

Max and Lexi told me they hope they are looking so good when they are 14!  So glad she's feeling better and able to celebrate her big day.

Enjoy all the wishes and attention, and please don't worry about a touch of gray. It adds distinction, which may mean you'll be allowed on the couch more often. Thanks for all your baking inspiration - you really set the bar(k) around here!

Here's to many more!

Profile picture for user Filomatic

Happy Birthday Lucy!

She is one happy wiener dog working on her next recipe by....sleeping on it!

Oh, what a lovely girl she is!

My sister's dachshund is also Lucy, and we have two long haired dachshunds too, Betty (7) and Angie (9).  :-)

Happy Be-lated Birthday to Lucy!!!