A year ago, I found some smoked pastrami hanging out in the freezer so Lucy came up with a modern twist for an old classic, Jewish Deli Rye, to compliment the smoked meat in a slightly non traditional style of bread.

This week I found so smoke brisket in the very same freezer so Lucy, true to her nature, came up with another slightly non-traditional JDR that is much closer to the traditional one than last year. Dan Baggs really let us have it trying pass that one off as a Jewish Deli Rye when he grew up in New York Surrounded by the real thing.

So, this time we are calling it New Age Nearly Jewish Deli Rye hoping Don Baggs doesn’t put a Dough Contract out on us with his Miami Bread Baking Mob – The MBBM! This one really is pretty close to the real thing -n a new age way.

First off JDR breads have a higher amount of pre-fermented flour in the levain so we doubled it to 20% about twice our usual for this time of year when it’s 104 F outside. But, Lucy bought some rolled oats to make a porridge, or gruel, bread as she likes to call it and that meant 50g of ground rolled oats ended up in the levain – 10% or half the flour in the levin mix.

It also had 5% high gluten flour and 5% rye bran in the 100% hydration 3 stage levain as well. Now Jewish Deli rye doesn’t have oats in it but Lucy could care less about these technical things or anything for that matter – pretty much just like me.

It pays to have a good breakfast on bake day!
With so much rye and oat in the mix, high gluten seemed like a reasonable remainder even though it too isn’t really a JDR flour. We chucked in 2% Pink Himalayan sea salt and enough water to bring it up to 71% hydration – pretty low for one of Lucy’s fake JDR breads. She had planned ahead for once though.

We love noodles for lunch. Especially with an apple galette chaser

She planned on adding a soaker of 5% dehydrated onions and 3% caraway seeds to the mix on the first set pf stretch and folds and that would bring some extra liquid, at least 5% to the overall hydration. Both of these add ins are traditional for a JDR bread so she was back to being normal.

It was still 90 F when I sliced into it. Was a little dense toward the bottom.
Once everything except the add ins were brought together we did 100 slap and folds to get it all mixed and the gluten working. 30 minutes later we did 10 slap and folds and 10 minutes later we did the first of 3 stretch and folds to get the onions and caraway evenly distributed. All the stretch and folds were on 30 minute intervals.

After the last set of S&F’s we let the dough rest for 10 minutes before shaping it into a tight batard and plopping it into a very large, rice floured, batard basket that was way too big for this bread. We immediately bagged it and placed it into the fridge for a 12 hour retard.

Some BBQ sauce poking through this sandwixh.
The next morning we noticed that the batard didn’t do too much in the fridge overnight so we let it worm up and finish proofing on the counter for 2.5 hours before firing up the oven to 450 F with the Mega Steam Lava Pan under the bottom stone.

We unmolded the batard onto parchment on a peel, brushed it with water, a very traditional thing indeed, sliced it twice lengthwise, a non-traditional score, and slid it onto the bottom stone. Right before the oven door was closed we put 2 cups of water on the lava rocks for 18 minutes of Mega Steam.

A free loaf of Sourdough my wife got at the Farmers Market that she received in gratitude for donating to the baker's emergency oven fund to replace his oven that went Kaput a few weeks before. Remember the 3 G's of character attributes so hard to master for success in all things - graciousness, gratitude and generosity.

Killer Red Pork Enchiladas for Cinco De Mayo.
Once the steam came out we lowered the oven to 425 F, convection this time, and baked it for another 12 minutes until it reached 205 F on the inside. It sprang bloomed and browned nicely. The smell was outrageous. We brushed it with water again as it came out of the oven.

A slice of that apple gallete.
We will wait for our lunch brisket sandwich to see what the crumb looks like – can’t wait. This bread is just plain delicious. The caraway and onion really come through. The crust is crispy but the crumb issoft and moist. This bread is what JRB bread is all about.

Lucy says to have that salad every night with dinner

and that Apple Galette!

- dabrownman's Blog
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Great bake Dab, sounds delicious. Looking forward to that crumb shot!
The galette looks amazing too!
for the vegans! It is fine tasting bread for sure. It was grand surrounding the smoked brisket but the vegans wouldn't be having any of that either:-) That apple galette has fresh ginger, cranberries and pear and bourbon in it to re-hydrate the cranberries. IT is one of our very favorite deserts. Gad you liked the post Ru and
Happy baking
OMG that apple galette......
you are quite the food photographer
Everythinglooks delish!
$100 pocket camera! That galette is delicious as is most of the food around here. Good food is easier to photograph just as it is easier to eat:-) If you eat and drink well in moderation the world seems to be better all the way around!
You would like the bread Stu. You can hardly notice it wit the BBQ sauce and the smoked beef piled high. Glad you liked the post and
Happy baking Stu
I love the narrative and of course the delicious food. So far away and yet I feel like we've dined at the same table. Thank you for being my host.
Lovely as always Dabrownman and Lucy.
no matter the day or time. You would like this bread. It is traditional Jewish Rye that reminds me of NY City and the Jewish Community that made this bread famous along with thick pastrami sandwiches that you had to cut in quarters to eat ...over 4 days:-) We should meet in NY at Katz's deli and get a pastrami sandwich sans bread - we will bring out own:-) In fact we should have a Fresh Lofian meet and greet there! Glad you like the post Abe and
Happy baking
We can hit 2nd Avenue Deli too ?
Deli Crawl through the City
Sounds like a plan!
Do I have to slip you money too to get it? ?
Your bread looks and sounds delicious! I always like to see what Lucy comes up with week after week. Give her a hug for me!
Core and slice thin 8 apples, 3 Roku, 3 Gala and 2 Granny Smith apples. add 1/3 cup of sugar and 1/3 cup of dark brown sugar and 2 tsp of finely minced fresh ginger. Saute over medium heat in a large skillet. Add 1/2 C of cranberries that have been re-hydrated in 2 T of Bourbon warmed in the MW for 32 seconds on high. When the juices run out of apple add 2 T of corn starch, mix and turn off the heat let cool on the pan.
Make your favorite butter short crust pie shell using at least 1 1/4 C of flour and 3/4 sticks of butter, cut in with 1/2 tsp of salt , 1 tsp of sugar and 6 T of ice cold water. added after cutting Barely get it together and dump it on plastic wrap and palm into a short flat round disk - refrigerate for an hour. Roll out into a round larger than the pie shell by 2" all around. Center shell in PAM sprayed pie shell. Dump the apple in, mounding in the middle fold over the excess crust brush with egg wash , sprinkle on Turbinado sugar and bake at 425 F for 20 minutes and then at 350 F for 30 more minutes till nicely brown and bold. Brush with slightly thinned apricot jam when it comes out of the oven. Easy as pie.
No telling what Lucy will come up with next, but it will be different as she is, fun to make and eat for sure.
Love your latest post and so dies Lucy! Happy baking Danni
I have a sprouted spelt loaf ready to go into the oven but now all in my mind is rye! Obviously you are the one to blame!
Are those raw onions in the dough? You mentioned dehydrated ones but they look raw to me. Maybe it's just the picture...
Am I the only one being attracted by the omelette? Lucky I'm more of a savory person...Okay, I'll admit that I find the galette very tempting too!
Scan Pan. Everyone stands around the sink as I give the eggs one mighty flip to cook the other side and put the cheese in the middle. They cheer when it works and groan when it fails:-) Some toast, fruit, melon and coffee and you have breakfast for 4!
They look like raw onions but they are re-hydrated ones that puff themselves up to look raw:-) I just toss the caraway seeds in with the dried onion so they can soak up some moisture too.
Glad you like the post Elsie and I hope the sprouted spelt bread came out well!
Happy baking
Great looking bread and great meal. Lucy spoils you with those multiple courses for lunch.
a salad or soup or a sandwich or something left over from the night before like enchiladas. We try not to have the same thing twice for lunch every couple of weeks though. Lucy still spoils me with food though since she is a much better cook than a baker!
Glad you liked the post! and happy baking Anne Marie.
A delicious and very "authentic" looking loaf of JDR...you've got me craving pastrami on rye at 10:00 pm! And happy birthday to Lucy too.
and, after toasting this bread, with a schmear and lox it was the perfect breakfast - way better then a bagel/ Then the 4 of us went for a half mile walk (Mom, daughter Lucy and I) to work off some the calories - then the human girls went for a real 4 miler leaving Lucy and me to watch what is going on TFL. Brisket sandwich for lunch for sure:-)
Lucy thanks you for the birthday wishes and we are glad you liked the post.
Happy baking
I really shouldn't read your posts when I'm starving! The bread looks just perfect for that brisket with BBQ sauce. Took Mom out for brunch and ate plenty but now I could kill for that sandwich ?.
Happy Mothers Day and Happy Baking.
Ian, Lexi, Max and the rest of the east coast gang.
she wanted. It was delicious. I bought a whole tuna side at Lee Lee's for the freezer today and had them filet it. Just perfect for Lucy's killer tuna sauce. Then there was fine wine and cake from Whole Foods. Now we have to walk around the block again... Glad you liked the bread the sandwiches were terrific, Lucy brandy in front of the fire.
Happy baking Ian
Now, this looks like the real thang. And agree that the galette looks fabulous. How is it possible to make and, I suppose, consume so much food, no matter how wonderful it is. Your'e not on the binge and purge diet I hope.
A post-bake slathering of a corn-starch glaze on these breads would definitely up the ante next time.
stuck to the recipe it might taste like JDR in the end:-) One loaf of bread, one omelette, one sandwich, one salad, one apple pie, one soup and one dinner a week is really a starvation diet and why I am so svelte and lithe in the right light and mirrors.
A new report in the Bread Baking Daily says corn starch glaze has been recently linked to dementia, ALS, digits dropping off unexpectedly and excessive drooling. Lucy already has a drool thing going on so we will have to pass but it sounds nice if it doesn't really kill you......or cause you to not be able to count on your fingers or toes.
Glad this bread came closer to the NY neighborhood original for you!
Happy baking Alan.