Looking for a Bread box for Zojirushi Virtuoso loafs

Profile picture for user sdean7855

I would have thought that, with the usual Japanese maniacal attention to detail, that a loaf container for the bread from a Virtuoso would be available.  The V loaves are even pretty much the size of a standard "big loaf" cooking pan. But no.

Since I have 3 to 4 different breads at any given time ( banana bread, whole wheat raisin/nut, wheat barley and spelt), my counter gets cluttered.

My ideal bread container would be:

  • something durable and dw-safe, like old Tupperware
  • approximately 5.25" wide, 8.5 to 9.25" long, maybe 5 or 6" high
  • have a domed top (like the old Tupperware 171s) so that the edges of the loaf are exposed when the lid comes off, so you don't have to reach down into the container to pull the loaf out
  • be stackable

The 171/2 (container/lid) comes pretty close but is apparently 11" long

Here you go, this one is almost exactly the dimensions that you want. I also have a longer one for longer loaves, I can look up its part number for you as well.

LOCK & LOCK Airtight Rectangular Tall Food Storage Container 9.1 x 6.5 x 6.4 inches
