6 Grain Plus

Profile picture for user Filomatic

I decided to try a 50% whole grain mix of several of the grains I had on hand, and ended up with:
    • Red wheat
    • White wheat
    • Rye
    • Spelt
    • Kamut
    • Emmer

I also made a room temp soaker with equal parts flax and toasted sunflower and sesame seeds.  I also used honey and my faux red rye malt.  I sifted the whole grains and used the hard bits in the levain.  It stood up to a 29-hour cold final rise.  I’ve never done a mix of so many grains. It’s noticeably more flavorful than usual, and I couldn't be more pleased.  The dough handled about the same as normal for the Hamelman 50/50 WW recipe this is based on.

My oven as usual is hotter than the dial reads, and these only took 30 minutes at "450 F."  

6 Grain Plus Crumb.JPG


Those are beauties! Congratulations.

Hi Filomatic, that is beautiful bread and the taste of a naturally leavened, cold proofed, mulit-grain sourdough...must be delicious!  Well done, very nice indeed.


Profile picture for user Danni3ll3

Very nice loaves! They must be delicious!

Thinking of selling bread in the futureI can’t help but think what price tag the bread I bake should have. These loaves you baked are so special. How can you put price on them??? These are priceless!!!!