Looking for recipe - no kneed style, fast-ish, for dutch oven on camp fire - can it be done?!


I have been poking along baking mostly tartine style bread, some whole grain and seeded sourdoughs and the like and with much practice and consulting of the forum it is all turning out very well.

Now I'm embarking on a new venture.  I'd like to find a recipe to closely simulate Lahey "no kneed" bread, as in "artisan" style, but in less time.  Is this a thing?  This is for hopefully same day baking in a dutch oven, on a camp fire.  

I've practiced that part at home, and after three tries I think I have it down.  Basically pre-heat the dutch oven in the coals, then move it off to the side and put a few coals on top.  Too many = burnt.  About the same timing, roughly 50 minutes, but all with the lid on as there is no "oven browning" possible.  However, it browns up nicely.  See photo, but this one was a tiny bit burnt on the bottom.  

Anyway, any yeast bread recipes that might fit the bill?