Baking bread question

Profile picture for user Thalia0503

 have you guys ever baked a loaf of bread in pans like these? Does it give the same result in crust as the Dutch oven? Just checking out other options from Dutch ovens 

That should work out . Looks like a Dutch oven.  

That should work out . Looks like a Dutch oven.  

The primary reasons for using a dutch oven are first, to have an environment where the steam is contained around the dough for the first phase of baking, and second, to create a source of heat that will remain fairly constant when you add the dough.

In the photo you show, it isn't clear if the lid fits tightly enough to retain the steam, but that could just be the photo.

The thickness of the lower part of the pan is also obscured. A dutch oven often has a wall thickness around ¼ inch and because it is made of cast iron, it holds the heat well and will not drop much in temperature when the dough is added.

Hope that helps. You don't have too much to lose by just trying it out and see if it works.


As breadforum states, the main use for a Dutch oven is to contain the steam -- in doing so, it replicates the addition of steam in professional ovens. If your Dutch oven does not have a relatively airtight lid, it won't contain the steam. The photo sure looks like the lid does not fit, but as mentioned, that could just be the photo.

as long as the container is closed enough for it to retain the steam. Trail Runner has been having great success baking in Graniteware pots and I do my batards in such a pan. Those are very light weight. No reason why your pot shouldn't work!

There’s something about the look of that pot that screams “I will protect and aid in the success of your dough’s progression into bread”.

But I’m also a crazy person so don’t mind me.  

I cant wait to see what pops outta there in the future. Let us know how it goes.

bake on


 I have one that is  large oval turkey roaster.  Rather than bake bread in it I use the bottom as a cloache and just cover the bread on the stone with it to hold the steam in.  Works great.  Just preheat the bottom with the oven